The LSU AgCenter’s Embryo Biotechnology Laboratory, located at the St. Gabriel Research Station, is set for a facelift and some more space in 2003. The renovated facility should be ready for a ribbon-cutting ceremony by the first of 2004. Richard Denniston, who is the director of the facility and an assistant professor in animal science, said two new labs, a conference room, a student work room and a small animal prep area will be added. These additions and renovations are necessary for the facility to obtain the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) accreditation, which will enhance opportunities for more grant money. The existing building includes about 6,500 square feet. About 2,300 square feet of space will be added and about 1,000 square feet will be renovated. The cost is approximately $300,000.
10/30/2004 1:49:46 AM
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