(07/26/23) Cattle producers face many complications to keeping their herds healthy. Louisiana Cattlemen’s Association hosted an animal health summit.
LSU AgCenter researchers & Louisiana rice industry professionals flock to Austin for 2022 USA Rice Outlook Conference
(Video 12/27/22) The weather was not kind to Louisiana agriculture this year. Nearly every crop saw lower yields and quality reductions.
(Video 12/27/22) Demand for cane fruit such as raspberries is exceeding supply, so researchers in the Southeast are looking for ways to grow them.
(12/30/22) If you don’t have a lot of room for a garden, you can still grow a wide variety of plants using creative, space-saving methods.
(12/22/22) You can reuse old soil for new container plantings or other purposes around the landscape.
(12/22/2022) FFA members from across Louisiana gathered for the annual State Leadership Development Events, which focus on student leadership development.
(12/21/22) A group of educators and students who participate in the Hill Farm Community Garden gathered for an end-of-semester garden party.
(12/19/22) It’s official — winter is here! And with it comes many questions about protecting landscape plants, pipes and pets during cold weather.
(12/19/22) The Botanic Gardens at Burden and the Louisiana Stormwater Coalition finished the second phase of a litter remediation and prevention program.
(12/09/22) Norfolk Island pines are great for holiday decorating, but you can enjoy them all year long.
(Video 12/27/22) On this edition of Get it Growing, horticulturist Heather Kirk-Ballard compares several popular hollies and the advantages those trees bring.
(Video 12/20/22) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Heather Kirk-Ballard explains how the white ShiShi camelia is a great shrub selection.
(Video 12/16/22) Louisiana’s sweet potato farmers had what some in the industry called “the worst year ever.”
(Video 12/16/22) Producing tea in Louisiana and the southeastern U.S. is a growing trend, LSU AgCenter researchers are planting tea plants on campus.
(12/15/22) Forage producers heard about a new potential income stream during a recent Louisiana Forage and Grassland Council meeting.
(12/15/22) From high production costs to weather extremes, 2022 has proven a challenging year for many Louisiana sweet potato farmers.
(12/15/22) The LSU AgCenter is celebrating 50 years of advancing agricultural excellence in Louisiana. LSU AgCenter was established in 1972.
(12/16/22) The winter months provide us an opportunity to focus on landscape planning, planting and maintenance.
(12/13/22) The LSU AgCenter has named two well-established leaders to key director positions.
(12/13/22) Winners of faculty and staff awards were announced during a ceremony Dec. 12.
(12/09/22) Twenty-five percent of Louisiana parishes’ economies witnessed higher real GDP in 2021 compared to 2019.
(12/8/2022) Animal sciences meets biological engineering through Ashton Dalton’s undergraduate research project.
(12/02/22) Internal dry rot and puffy fruit are two issues citrus growers may face.
(12/05/22) BATON ROUGE, La. — A group of 27 campers from across the state recently received a lesson in Louisiana cooking and history.
(Video 12/1/22) There are a variety of evergreen trees you can use for Christmas decorations.
(Video 12/1/22) The Norfolk pine is an elegant indoor plant that could be used as a Christmas tree.
(12/01/22) Photographers are encouraged to submit their best work to be entered in the entries for the 2024 edition of the LSU AgCenter Get It Growing
(Video 11/30/22) While most Louisiana farm commodities had a less-than-stellar year, sugarcane producers in the state may have their sweetest season ever.
(Video 11/30/22) To introduce young people to outdoor opportunities offered by the youth group, an intensive one-day camp was held.
(11/30/22) BATON ROUGE, La. — It may seem like we just finished the Fourth of July, but it’s time again to find the perfect spot for this year's Christmas tree.
(11/23/22) It can be hard to believe that some children don’t know where their food comes from. But the LSU AgCenter is helping to improve that knowledge.
(11/23/22) LSU horticulture students are learning practices that will stay with them for a lifetime, including how to battle food insecurity.
(Video 11/22/22) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Heather Kirk-Ballard explains that now is the time to apply weed killer to prevent weeds like stickerweed.
(Video 11/22/22) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Heather Kirk-Ballard explains how to force bulbs to come out of dormancy.
(11/17/22) The poinsettias will be on full display Saturday, Nov. 26, when the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens at Burden presents this year’s poinsettia crop.
(11/22/22) BATON ROUGE, La. — The annual poinsettia sale has been rescheduled, but the beauty of the holidays will still be on full display Saturday, Dec. 3.
(11/23/22) One great way to use fallen leaves to your — and your plants’ — benefit is to use leaf litter as mulch.
(11/22/22) Students in St. Helena Parish experience poverty and food insecurity at higher rates than both the national and state averages.
(11/21/22) The average cost in Louisiana of ingredients for a Turkey Day spread for 10 people is $50.43, according to the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation.
(11/18/22) The garden is the perfect place to spend time reflecting on the many things we have to be grateful for.
(Video 11/17/22) The LSU AgCenter has begun a research project aimed at developing varieties and answering questions growers have in central Louisiana.
(Video 11/17/22) To help producers and processors, the LSU AgCenter and Louisiana Sea Grant have opened a seafood processing demonstration lab.
(11/17/22) The 3+1 program allows College of Agriculture students to earn a bachelor’s degree and a doctorate in veterinary medicine in less time.
(11/15/22) BATON ROUGE, La. — The collaboration between the LSU AgCenter and universities in Central Europe continues to grow.
(11/15/22) The LSU AgCenter and Fletcher Technical Community College are partnering to present a daylong precision agriculture summit in early 2023.
An invasive insect that could be weakening stands of roseau cane across the Mississippi River Delta has spread farther east along the Gulf Coast.
(11/11/22) The number of commercial citrus growers continues to dwindle in south Louisiana, and saltwater intrusion has made growing citrus a struggle.
(11/10/22) LSU AgCenter engineer Stacia Davis Conger is leading a team to develop an irrigation decision-making app.
(11/10/2022) On Nov. 4, the LSU College of Agriculture held the Agriculture Alumni Awards before the 9th Annual Cocktails and Cuisine Fundraiser.
(11/09/22) LSU's new Welge Food Beyond the Farm certificate program aims to advance the nation's food supply chain.
(11/11/22) With planning and a little effort, you can create an early spring indoors or make a beautiful gift by forcing your own succession of hardy bulbs.
(11/08/22) Twenty-four area cattle producers from four parishes are the newest graduates of the Louisiana Master Cattleman program.
(11/04/22) Extended droughts like the one we are experiencing now can cause damage to trees if we do not step in and assist.
(11-14-22) The warmth of fall colors is something the whole state can enjoy to some degree.
(11-7-22) Lion’s tail is a plant that provides beautiful, colorful flowers to the fall landscape.
(11/03/22) Louisiana FFA members brought home several honors from competitive events at the 95th National FFA Convention and Expo in Indianapolis Oct. 26 to 29.
(11/03/22) The Louisiana Agriculture Hall of Distinction is still accepting nominations through Nov. 18.
(Video 11/2/22) Beef and dairy producers are feeling the effects of drought conditions on their pastures at a critical time as winter approaches.
(Video 11/2/22) Teaching children the vital role of Louisiana’s coastal and wetlands environments is a goal of Ocean Commotion.
(11/02/22) Now is the perfect time to try some of the many varieties of winter squash.
(10/20/22) The LSU AgCenter and Louisiana Sea Grant will hold a field day Nov. 9 at their recently opened Seafood Processing Demonstration Lab in Jeanerette.
(10/28/22) It’s not every day that retirees from IBM, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and from General Motors return to work the family farm.
(10/26/22) With many farmers too busy to attend field days and meetings, the LSU AgCenter has created a podcast to keep them in the know.
(10/28/22) Shorter, cooler days bring brilliant foliage color changes for many trees and shrubs in fall.
Through the “A Taste of Herbs and Spices” program, AgCenter nutrition agents work with community partners to distribute promotional flyers and herbs and spices.
(10/26/22) Louisiana’s growing population of feral hogs causes $91.1 million in damage to agricultural and timber lands each year, AgCenter experts say.
(10/24/22) Saralene Seals was inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame in aWashington, D.C.
(10/21/22) Nothing spoils a nice barefooted walk through the lawn more than stickerweed.
(10/20/22) The crazy, mazey fun continues at the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens Night Maze and Bonfire on Saturday, Oct. 29, from 6 to 9 p.m.
The recently released 2023 LSU AgCenter Get It Growing Lawn and Garden Calendar features stunning images of flowers, trees and other flora captured by photograp
(10/31/22) Until recently, sweet potatoes used to be only two types: those grown for their edible storage roots or those that were merely ornamental.
(10/10/22) Recent drought has made things difficult for many gardeners, but some plants stand out for their toughness in these conditions.
(10/17/22) Turk's cap is a tough, drought-tolerant plant native to our area.
(10/24/22) Some of our native plants can offer beautiful colors for the fall.
(Video 10/19/22) The one word Louisiana farmers would use to describe this year’s weather is uncooperative.
Uncooperative weather throughout the growing season has led to one of the most disappointing years ever for many growers.
(10/19/22) Drought followed by unrelenting rain and then more drought has made 2022 a tough year for Louisiana farmers.
(10/18/22) The AgCenter and its community partners recently installed a “blessing” box in Covington to provide food items to those in need.
(10/17/22) The LSU AgCenter and community partners in Covington recently installed a “blessing box” providing food items to those in need.
(10/14/22) The LSU AgCenter Healthy Communities program hosted the first Louisiana Rural Complete Streets Summit Oct. 6.
(10/13/22) Three young chefs from Winn Parish brought home the second-place award in the National Food Challenge contest at the Texas State Fair in Dallas.
(10/12/22) HAMMOND, La. — The LSU AgCenter will hold a prescribed burn workshop at the Hammond Research Station Nov. 9 to 11.
(10/14/22) Bright and cheery yellow sunflowers are popping up everywhere.
(10/11/22) LSU AgCenter scientists will give presentations on their work during a set of conferences to be held early next year in Baton Rouge.
A dry weather pattern is being credited with an assist as the 2022 Louisiana sugarcane harvest is off to a sweet start.
(10/10/22) The AgCenter recently hosted a Master Gardener appreciation and education day at its Hammond Research Station.
(10/07/22) The River Parishes Master Gardener Associations brought out the heavy hitters to swing back into action after being cooped up for two years.
(10/06/22) Persimmon trees produce deliciously sweet fruit that — like autumn weather in Louisiana — is fleeting in its prime.
(10/06/22) The East Baton Rouge Master Gardener Association will present talks on hibiscus and fruit trees at the Greenwell Springs Library on Oct. 27.
(10/05/22) After a two-year pandemic hiatus, Louisiana Farm to School partners were finally back face to face for their annual meeting on Sept. 28.
(10/07/22) If you are suffering from seasonal allergies, don’t blame goldenrod. Ragweed is the more likely culprit.
(Video 10/05/22) Producers are in the final stages of the harvest, and they are hopeful those beans planted later yield better than the early crop.
(Video 10/05/22) Louisiana cotton farmers increased acres this year because of higher prices, but they will probably be somewhat disappointed with the yields.
(09/30/22) Fall is a great time to work in your garden, but it’s OK — even a good idea — to leave those leaves on the ground.
(09/28/22) Get ready for some crazy, mazy fun during Corn Maze at Burden 2022 happening at the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens each Saturday.
A cooperative research project between the LSU AgCenter and the University of Malaya in Malaysia to develop “climate-smart” rice has received a $50,000 grant.
(09/23/22) The LSU AgCenter was recently awarded a grant of more than $295,000 for a multi-year, collaborative project to study insect management in row rice.