(Video 12/27/21) High school students from central Louisiana are part of pilot LSU AgCenter agricultural education program designed to highlight career opportu
(Video 12/27/21) 2021 was another good year for much of Louisiana agriculture. Yields for many crops were average to above average, and prices were strong.
(12/23/21) A foundation planting is the placement of plants in beds that frame the home. Design yours carefully.
(12/21/21) Louisiana FFA members recently gathered at McNeese State University to compete in State Leadership Development Events.
(12/17/21) LSU and Southern University agricultural centers held a joint two-day workshop, Coming Together for Racial Understanding on Dec. 9 and 10.
(12/17/21) The LSU AgCenter will hold the Central Region Crops and Cattle Forum on Jan. 6, at the State Evacuation Shelter near the LSUA campus in Alexandria.
(12/17/21) One of the most important factors that influences a garden’s success is the weather.
[Video](12/20/21) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Heather Kirk-Ballard explains how the white ShiShi camelia is also a great selection.
[Video](12/27/21) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Heather Kirk-Ballard compares several popular hollies and the advantages those trees bring to your landscape.
(Video 12/17/21) A new rice variety developed by the LSU AgCenter has a reduced glycemic score that is allowing people to put rice back on their plate.
(12/14/21) The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture recognized outstanding faculty and staff during an awards ceremony Dec. 14.
(12/10/21) A team of LSU AgCenter researchers have been awarded a grant to study the guava root-knot nematode, which damages sweet potatoes.
[Video](12/13/21) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Heather Kirk-Ballard and horticulturist Dan Gill discuss how to care for your rose bushes as we move into winter.
[Video](12/6/21) Heather Kirk-Ballard got together with former host Dan Gill. The two horticulturists discuss the great opportunity for planting herbs this fall
(12/10/21) If you are looking to add a splash of bright color to shaded areas in the fall and early winter, ligularia is an excellent choice.
(12/07/21) Kevin Ringelman has received the H. Dale Hall Ducks Unlimited Endowed Professorship in Wetlands and Waterfowl Conservation.
(12/03/21) The ShiShi Gashira camellia is a top-performing shrub for Louisiana landscapes.
(Video 12/02/21)During Christmas, poinsettias are often a part of the holiday décor. Native to Mexico, they can live for 40 years and grow to 15 feet tall.
(12/01/21) CROWLEY, LA. - Members of the Louisiana 4-H Food and Fitness Board visited the LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station.