(Video 04/16/18) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to these beautiful plants and explains why they’re so easy for gardeners to grow.
(Video 04/09/18) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how Easter lilies can be planted in the landscape and grow very well with the proper care.
(04/06/18) Recent stretches of dry weather have allowed Louisiana rice farmers to get in the field and plant their 2018 crop on schedule.
LSU AgCenter researchers will host a webinar on Roseau cane die-offs on Friday April 6 at 10 a.m.
(Video 03/26/18) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains the many types of tomatoes you can choose for your early planting.
(03/29/18) Two 4-H volunteers are teaching basic culinary skills and nutr
Louisiana corn farmers are finally getting to plant some significant acres as drier conditions have finally arrived. But is too late for some?
(03/28/18) More than 300 commercial applicators met recently for the annual Louisiana Vegetation Managers Association meeting.
(Video 03/29/18) Two icons in Louisiana agriculture were recently inducted into the state’s Agriculture Hall of Distinction.
(03/29/2018) LSU AgCenter experts will discuss variety trials and weed, insect and disease management at a wheat and oat field day on April 18.
(03/30/18) If you are going to have a landscape with trees, a lawn, shrubs and flowers, maintenance is going to be involved.
(03/27/18) The LSU AgCenter will conduct eight MarketReady producer training workshops for Louisiana farmers and fishers during spring and summer 2018/
(3/26/18) Margie Yates Jenkins and Pierre “Pete” Lanaux were to inducted into the Louisiana Agriculture Hall of Distinction on March 22.
(03/26/18) Garden insects will be the featured subjects at the Children’s Garden program at the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens at Burden on April 28.
(03/23/18) The Rice Leadership Development Program toured the LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station and visited a crawfish farm on March 22.
(03/23/18) The cucumber family provides a wide variety of vegetables popular for the spring, summer and fall home vegetable garden.
(03/22/18) A prescribed burn workshop for foresters will be held May 8-10 at the Woodworth Outdoor Education Center.
(Video 03/22/18) With a spot at the state competition on the line, more than 900 4-H youth participated in the state’s south regional competition.
(Video 03/22/18) A dieoff of Roseau cane in the Mississippi River delta has caused numerous agencies to study its cause.
(03/21/18) Signature cocktails and cuisine will be featured during Gourmet in the Garden at the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens at Burden on April 19.
(03/21/18) A new hybrid rice with high quality and competitive yield potential is being released by the LSU AgCenter.
(03/21/18) Now that the record sugarcane crop is in the books — what now?
(03/21/2018) Northeast Louisiana 4-H'ers learned culinary tricks of the trade from Chef Cory Bahr at a culinary workshop held March 17.
(03/20/18) The LSU AgCenter will host AgMagic, an interactive event that teaches young people about agriculture, in Baton Rouge and the New Orleans area.
(03/19/18) HAMMOND, La. — The 28th annual Florida Parishes Forestry Forum will be held on April 6 at the University Center at Southeastern Louisiana University.
(3/19/2018) When you say the word ‘herbs,’ the list of options is extensive.
(03/16/18) Administrator with the U.S. EPA Region 6 visited the LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station 15 to learn about challenges facing farmers.
(03/16/18) It’s not too early to begin to plan our summer flower gardens.
(03/15/18) Kwame Ogero and Rowell Dikitanan are studying at the LSU AgCenter through the Borlaug Fellowship Program.
(03/13/18) The 4-H Junior Leadership Conference held March 9-11 at the LSU AgCenter 4-H Grant Walker Educational Center near Pollock.
(03/12/18) The annual Margie Jenkins Azalea Garden Lecture Series and Industry Open House will be held at the LSU AgCenter Hammond Research Station on April 5.
(03/12/18) The LSU AgCenter and Louisiana Sea Grant are teaming with the City of Slidell during the Slidell Street Fair to talk with residents about flooding.
(03/12/18) Fishers, seafood processors and dock workers got information on the latest technology in their industry at a recent summit held in Kenner.
(Video 3/12/18) On this edition of Get It Growing, blueberries are a good choice because they require little attention, while providing some delicious rewards
(03/09/18) It’s time to plant tomato transplants into the garden, especially in south Louisiana. North
(03/08/18) Ashley Long has joined the LSU AgCenter with research, extension and teaching appointments and will serve as the state wildlife extension specialist.
(03/08/18) Approximately 300 students from 12 parishes gathered March 2 for the first 4-H Leadership Summit at the Davison Athletics Complex at Louisiana Tech.
(Video 03/08/18) The arrival of spring-like weather has been a boon to Louisiana strawberry growers as the berries move toward peak season.
(03/08/18) Hardwick Planting Company in partnership with the LSU AgCenter received the Southern Cotton Ginners Association Ag Achievement Award.
(03/06/18) Getting colostrum into a newborn calf is critical for it to survive, and feeding must be induced if the calf refuses to nurse.
(03/02/18) The director of the Louisiana Forestry Association said a new lumber mill near Urania in LaSalle Parish will require 1 million tons of timber.
(03/02/18) Scale insects are one of the more common groups of insects that attack plants. You may find them feeding on trees, shrubs and on indoor plants.