(Video 12/24/18) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill discusses the advantages of ornamental kale and ornamental cabbage.
(12/21/18) The LSU AgCenter will hold a series of meetings to help rice farmers prepare for their 2019 crop.
(12/21/18) Louisiana Sugar Refining LLC is establishing a scholarship in the LSU College of Agriculture.
(12/20/18) The LSU AgCenter will conduct Master Cattleman classes in Jena this spring.
(12/28/18) The oaks have become a part of American culture more than most other types of trees.
(12/21/18) As the Earth travels around the sun in its orbit, the length of our days and nights vary from season to season.
(Video 12/19/18) While the peak of the crawfish season is a few months away, crawfish producers in Louisiana have started their season.
(Video 12/19/18) Louisiana agriculture had its fair share of ups and downs during 2018. Yields were up for some commodities and down for others.
(12/19/18) The 2018 farm bill is “more an evolution of farm policy and not a revolution,” an AgCenter economist said.
(12/19/18) Experts will present information on trends, best practices and new equipment at the seafood processors conference on Jan. 30.
(12/17/18) BATON ROUGE, La. — Scientists recently discussed ways to overcome the problem of roseau cane die-offs in the marsh of coastal Louisiana.
(12/17/18) NEW ORLEANS — LSU AgCenter agents in Greater New Orleans now have a set of greenhouses and classrooms to use for their horticulture activities.
(12/14/18) Visitors to the LSU AgCenter Grant Walker Educational Center sampled seafood dishes prepared by 4-H'ers during a Smithsonian Museum traveling exhibit
(12/14/18) With cold weather comes concern for tropical plants in our landscapes.
(12/12/18) The LSU AgCenter and College of Agriculture announced the winners of their annual faculty and staff awards during their annual conference on Dec. 11.
(12/12/18) ALEXANDRIA, La. — Forage producers discussed the benefits of good soil health at the Louisiana Forage and Grass Council annual conference on Dec. 7.
(Video 12/10/18) LSU AgCenter food scientists are working on ways to extend the shelf life of food products and reduce food waste.
(Video 12/7/18) The LSU AgCenter Aquatic Germplasm and Genetic Resources Center conducts research benefitting aquaculture, biomedical and species conservation.
(12/07/18) Crop consultant Earl Garber, of Basile, Louisiana, was honored with the Rice Industry Award at the USA Rice Outlook Conference Dec. 6.
(12/07/18) When it comes to Christmas trees, you have two basic choices: living or artificial. And both have their place.
(012/04/18) The LSU AgCenter LaHouse Resource Center is offering two training and certification classes on Louisiana residential energy code requirements.
(12/04/18) Stanley Celestine Jr. may be the youngest school board member in the Avoyelles Parish School Board, but he is no newcomer as a youth advocate.
(12/03/18) The tenth annual Arbor Day at Burden in the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens is scheduled for Jan. 19, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
(12/03/18) The LSU AgCenter will host a conference on data and technology in agriculture on Jan. 29.
(Video 12/3/18) One of the best-growing herbs for the winter season is parsley.
(Video 12/3/18) Gardening can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be frustrating if you don’t know what to do at certain times of the year.
(12/03/18) The Bogalusa Mayor’s Wellness Council recently received an award for its work with the LSU AgCenter and other Washington Parish agencies.
(11/30/18) Louisiana flowers, vegetables and gardens take center stage in the LSU AgCenter Get It Growing calendar.