(Video 06/28/17) Weed scientists are developing strategies to combat herbicide-resistant weeds, but farmers must be careful when using this technology.
(06/30/17) Steve Linscombe, LSU AgCenter rice breeder and director of the H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, has announced he will retire on Sept. 30.
(06/30/17) More than 400 people attended the LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station field day on June 28 to hear about the latest on helping farmers
(06/28/17) LSU AgCenter research initiatives have been awarded $62,500 in grant funding that will help them promote their inventions to industry partners.
(06/27/17) The LSU AgCenter Sugar Research Station will host its 35th Annual Sugarcane Field Day on July 19.
(06/26/17) Two new LSU AgCenter faculty members plan to expand 4-H and the AgCenter and LSU College of Agriculture School of Animal Sciences livestock programs.
(06/23/17) Nearly 1,500 4-H’ers from across the state won educational trips, participated in educational programs and selected new officers for 2017-2018.
(06/22/17) LSU AgCenter entomologists received nearly a million dollars from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to study honeybee health.
(Video 06/14/17) An invasive aquatic plant continues to cause problems in Louisiana, and LSU AgCenter researchers are using a special weevil to fight the pest.
(Video 06/14/17) Louisiana farmers are emerging from nearly two weeks of wet weather.
(06/19/17) Forrest Laws was presented the Reuben Brigham Award at the national meeting of the Association for Communication Excellence (ACE) in New Orleans.
(06/19/17) Recent wet weather has been conducive to disease problems in Louisiana rice, and frequent rains are hampering plants’ recovery.
(06/16/17) Visitors to the AgCenter Sensory Services Lab got a behind-the-scenes look at what food scientists do and the role human senses play in their work.
(06/16/17) The LSU AgCenter will participate in health fairs at Rouses Markets in Louisiana in the coming months.
(06/16/17) The LSU AgCenter will serve as the lead agency in a study of the impact of cool-season cover crops on annual forage production and soil health.
(06/16/17) Finding a solution to controlling an insect that threatens the key vegetation in coastal Louisiana will require extensive research by the AgCenter.
(06/15/17) The LSU AgCenter has notified the Board of Supervisors of their intent to contract with GB Sciences, Inc., to produce a medical marijuana product.
(06/14/17) The Southwest Louisiana Beekeepers Association and the LSU AgCenter will present their first-ever Beginning Beekeepers Class beginning on July 10.
(06/13/17) The LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station will hold its annual field day June 28 for scientists to explain their work.
(06/12/17) Bright, shiny, iridescent minnows and other similar-size fishes popular with aquarium owners are finding their way to research laboratories.
(06/12/17)Two LSU AgCenter scientists will mentor researchers in Kazakhstan and work with them to learn more about two serious livestock diseases.
(06/09/17) 4-H and FFA youth from throughout Louisiana will compete in the 48th annual LSU AgCenter 4-H and FFA State Horse Show on July 8-12 in Gonzales.
(06/07/17) A team of 16 scientists and students led by the LSU AgCenter conducted a survey to collect samples of a small insect that threatens fragile marsh.
(06/06/17) Hurricane season started June 1, and while Louisiana doesn’t often see storms this early in the season, it is important to be prepared.
(06/05/17) Winn Parish 4-H’er Caroline Whisonant never thought a minor kitchen fire would land her in a science fair in Los Angeles.
(01/06/17) June 1 marked the beginning of the second annual National Healthy Homes Month, designated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(06/01/17) Continual rainfall in the past few days has farmers worried about disease problems in their rice crop, an LSU AgCenter plant pathologist said.
(Video 06/01/17) Scientists at the LSU AgCenter Aquaculture Research Station are studying alligator gar to better understand this ancient fish.