(10/28/16) Using weed killers or herbicides should be approached very carefully by the gardener.
(Video 10/31/16) The Confederate rose is a hibiscus that grows quickly and creates beautiful double blooms.
(Video 10/24/16) On this edition of Get It GrowingLSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains sun damage on tropical plants.
(Video 10/17/16) If you want squash or cabbage and broccoli on your Thanksgiving table, you better start planting cold season vegetables in October.
(10/21/16) Pansies and violas are popular cool-season bedding plants used to beautify gardens in Louisiana.
(10/14/16) If you want to punch up the color level in your garden from late September to early December, here are some trees, shrubs and perennials to consider.
(Video 10/10/16) Dan Gill explains how to select mums that can provide nice color for your fall landscape.
(10/07/16) Harvesting properly and at the right time is critical to getting the best quality vegetables from your garden.
(Video 10/03/16) It may officially be fall, but warm temperatures don’t always reflect the season.