(06/28/16) The LSU AgCenter Dean Lee Research Station will hold its annual field day July 14 starting at 8:30 a.m. at the state evacuation center.
(06/24/16) More than 1,600 4-H’ers from throughout Louisiana converged on the LSU campus to participate in the annual LSU AgCenter 4-H University June 21-24.
(06/24/16) The LSU Board of Supervisors approved a resolution allowing the LSU AgCenter to begin taking steps to obtain a license to produce medical marijuana
(06/24/16) The arrival of summer in Louisiana marks the return of long, hot days – and in Washington Parish, that means it’s time for watermelons.
(06/24/16) Regular evaluation of individual cows and bulls in a herd will increase efficiency and profits, cattle producers were advised at a cattle field day.
(06/23/16) Shatikawa Griffin, a junior in the LSU College of Agriculture, planned and managed the fashion program on June 22 and 23 during 4-H University.
(Video 06/22/16) The management of both weeds and insects in agriculture continues to change as new herbicide technologies and guidelines evolve.
(06/23/16) Choosing the proper fungicide and alternating among those in different chemical groups are important considerations in managing pecan diseases.
(06/23/16) Jared Collins cracked eggs while Darion Richard grated cheese and Larissa Alexander chopped vegetables at the Family and Youth Service Center.
(06/24/16) Although summer can take a toll on landscape plants, especially those planted in the past year or so, most plants manage to make it.
(06/21/16) Piling mulch too deeply around the base of trees can lead to problems, according to an LSU AgCenter expert.
(Video 06/27/16) Asian jasmine has no insect or disease problems, keeps weeds out and is great to grow as a ground cover in shady locations.
(06/20/16) Farmers heard the latest from LSU AgCenter experts on their research and outreach projects at the AgCenter Northeast Research Station on June 16.
(06/17/16) Fire ants inflict painful stings and create unsightly mounds in our landscapes, so most of us would be happier if there were no fire ants around.
(06/16/16) An LSU AgCenter weed scientist on June 15 talked about his research with a new herbicide and rice system that will help control red rice and grasses.
(06/14/16) ‘The Next Generation of Farmers’ was the theme of the St. Helena Parish Agriculture Day and Sustainable Farm Tour on June 13.
(06/14/16) Known to most home gardeners as butterfly bush, buddleia is a popular perennial landscape plant that is highly regarded by butterflies for its nectar
(06/15/16) 4-H and FFA youth from throughout Louisiana will compete in the 47th Annual LSU AgCenter 4-H and FFA State Horse Show on July 9-13 in Gonzales.
(06/08/16) Sixteen people will be inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame, including a Louisiana 4-H leader who reshaped facilities and programs.
(06/10/16) Louisiana farmers need scout their fields for signs of diseases, including Asian soybean rust, which was found June 9 in Iberville Parish.
(06/10/16) Even though the number of dairy farmers continues to decrease in the state, providing a program to show appreciation still draws a crowd.
(06/10/16) The two new rice varieties released last year by the LSU AgCenter are getting good reviews so far in the marketplace for quality.
(06/09/16) Japanese maples can be outstanding small trees for specimen plantings and focal-point use in residential landscapes in the Southeast.
(06/09/16) Having the right information at your fingertips can be invaluable when disease or insects have invaded your lawn or fruit and vege
(06/10/16) It’s not too late to add colorful bedding plants to your landscape, but it’s important to choose plants that are able to thrive in the intense heat.
(Video 06/20/16) Dan Gill demonstrates how to properly train vines to grow and spread to cover the trellis.
(Video 06/13/16) The Sunshine privet is a tough, small shrub that adds colorful foliage.
(Video 06/08/16) LSU AgCenter researchers have come up with an eye drop solution that shows promise in reducing and preventing cataracts.
(06/08/16) The Louisiana Master Farmer Program will offer its Phase I training June 28 at the Rice Research Station in Crowley.
(06/08/16) LSU AgCenter food safety specialist Wenqing Xu reflects on the importance of food safety as grilling seasons ramps up.
(06/07/16) More than 160 students competed in the third annual Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority and 4-H Youth Wetlands Program poetry contest.
(06/06/16) The Louisiana and Mississippi county agent associations held their joint annual professional improvement conference in Natchez, Mississippi.
(06/03/16) 4-H summer camp at the Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center is a week-long experience where fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders have fun.
(Audio 06/01/16) There are several great vegetables to plant right now that will be able to withstand the summer heat.
(Audio 06/02/16) June marks the beginning of hurricane season; make sure your trees aren't a risk.
(Audio 06/03/16) Take advantage of grass clippings and other organic waste this summer.
(06/03/16) Trees with problems can be a liability during storms or hurricanes.
(Video 06/06/16) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to the fragrant jasmine plants.