(08/23/16) The LSU AgCenter Healthy Communities project partnered with Tensas Community Health Center and Cross Keys Bank to build stronger bonds on Aug. 11.
(08/26/16) This is Samuel Buller’s first year to farm on his own, and he was looking at a good rice crop. But recent flooding changed that.
(08/30/16) Louisiana cotton farmers did not escape unscathed by the flooding rains of mid-August.
(08/29/16) The Louisiana Association of Extension 4-H Agents presented awards recognizing members’ service during its annual convention Aug. 24-26.
(08/25/16) The marketplace has a gap between consumer needs for healthier foods that meet their criteria and the ability of the food industry to produce.
(08/26/16) A series of meetings were held in south Louisiana to assure farmers that state and federal aid is available to help them following recent flooding.
(08/25/15) Cattle owners had to rely on horses, boats and even a helicopter to round up their herds as floodwaters covered pastures in south Louisiana.
(08/25/16) It will be some time before the full extent of the damage from recent flooding to the state’s sugarcane crop is known.
(08/24/16) The impact of the recent widespread flooding on the upcoming crawfish season will depend on many factors.
(08/24/16) As the clean-up process continues in homes flooded across south Louisiana, an extension expert offers advice on cleaning floors.
(08/23/16) Recent rains have caused damage to Louisiana's corn and grain sorghum crops.
(08/22/16) Heavy rains that recently caused historic flooding in south Louisiana will cost the state’s agriculture industry at least $110 million.
(08/22/16) The LSU AgCenter will hold a field day for middle and high school students on Sept. 28 at the Sweet Potato Research Station in Chase.
(08/22/16) Late summer is the time to begin preparing roses for spectacular fall blooms.
(08/22/16) Experts from the LSU AgCenter, McNeese State University and private industry gave beef producers tips to make more money at a beef conference.
(08/19/16) Be on the lookout for pests such as lace bugs, aphids, leaf hoppers, scales, spider mites and whiteflies.
(08/10/16) LaHouse will offer two classes to help contractors, inspectors and energy code verifiers meet Louisiana residential energy code requirements.
(08/12/16) The LSU AgCenter has a library of flood recovery information that can be used as resources for restoring water-damaged buildings and possessions.
(08/12/16) August is a month when gardeners should think about two important aspects of landscape maintenance – fertilizing and pruning.
(08/11/16) The LSU AgCenter will host a three-day course on food safety regulations and best practices for preventing contamination on Aug. 29-31.
(08/10/16) In the 1940s, not many women enrolled in traditional production agriculture programs at LSU.
(08/10/16) Two LSU AgCenter plant pathologists were elected Fellows of the American Phytopathological Society in Tampa, Florida, on July 31.
For the second year in a row, Texas took first place in the Great American Seafood Cook-Off: 4-H Edition at the Morial Convention Center.
(08/09/16) The LSU AgCenter LaHouse Resource Center will hold mold control and remediation training Aug. 24 to 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day.
(08/09/16) Hear ways to improve pastures as well as tips on heifer selection and development at the annual Northeast Louisiana Beef and Forage Field Day.
(08/09/16) Growing up in the Dominican Republic, Glorianni Estrella Espinosa never expected to leave LSU with a graduate degree in agricultural economics.
(08/09/16) The LSU AgCenter and Southern University Ag Center will present an urban outreach forum to assess the needs of Orleans Parish and Jefferson Parish.
(08/08/16) The LSU AgCenter has produced five new public health entomology facts sheets, including one on Zika.
(08/08/16) The LSU AgCenter recently received more than $138,000 in grants that will help four researchers find industry partners.
(08/04/16) An LSU AgCenter researcher has joined in a research project to find a biological insect control for small sweet potato farmers in Africa.
(08/03/16) Alexis Agard has more than a few stamps in her passport. But she says spending part of her summer in Slovakia was a unique experience.
(Video 08/03/16) Learning about the latest strategies to improve crop yields was a major theme of the Black Farmers and Landowners Field Day.
(08/02/16) LSU AgCenter economist John Westra received The Farm Credit MarketMaker Innovation Award in Wisconsin.