(Video 09/30/15) Food safety should always be a priority in any cooks kitchen, but it becomes more important when food is being shared with others. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard visited the Red Stick Food Swap, a free swap event in Baton Rouge to talk food safety. (Runtime: 01:37)
(Video 09/30/15) Louisiana cotton farmers have begun picking their crop. What they are finding is disappointing on two fronts, lower yields than last year and low prices. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has this report. (Runtime: 01:33)
(Distributed 09/29/15) PORT ALLEN, La. – As a group of 4-H’ers and leaders filled their plates with pasta, vegetables and cake, another group sat on the floor in the back of the room, debating how to divide a single bowl of plain noodles.
(Distributed 09/28/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – The Burden Horticulture Society and the East Baton Rouge Master Gardener Association have each made a donation to the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens at Burden for a new welcome center.
(Distributed 09/25/15) MANGHAM, La. – Current and future cattle producers attending the Northeast Beef and Forage field day at Goldmine Plantation on Sept. 17 heard the latest information on how to improve profits in their industry.
(Distributed 09/25/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – Researchers should be integrating information science with applied plant breeding to serve a growing world population, a leading plant geneticist said during a plant biology symposium Thursday (Sept. 24).
Of all the perennial verbenas on the market today, the outstanding variety continues to be Homestead Purple.
(Distributed 09/25/15) HAMMOND, La. – Golden dewdrops is a common name for durantas, also known as sky flowers
(Audio 09/28/15) There has been growing concern over the decreasing number of monarch butterflies over the past few years. We can do our part to help by planting nectar plants to provide nourishment for these butterflies on their long journey to Mexico. Listen for more information on helping the monarch butterfly population. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/28/15) If you need to plant or repair your lawn, you should do that within the next few weeks. Don't forget to cut away dead areas when repairing and properly grade the soil when planting. Listen for more information on repairing and planting lawns. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/28/15) Although it's difficult to predict rainfall, it's reasonable to assume that October will be a relatively dry month. With this in mind, pay special attention to watering anything that has been newly-planted. Listen for more information on keeping plants healthy and watered in October. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/28/15) According to NASA, indoor houseplants can help clean the air circulating in your house. Plants such as indoor ivy, spider plants, and peace lilies are some of the most effective agents in cleaning household air. Listen for more information on adding houseplants to improve your air. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Distributed 09/25/15) CHASE, La. – More than 200 students from 12 parishes in northeast Louisiana watched sweet potatoes being planted and heard about beef and forage production, and careers in agriculture. It was all part of the LSU AgCenter second annual Northeast Region youth field day at the AgCenter Sweet Potato Research Station on Sept. 23.
(Distributed 09/24/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – If you had asked teenager Norma Roberts to consider a career in 4-H, she might have laughed. She was a 4-H member in Eunice, but because she wasn’t interested in livestock, Roberts dropped out.
(Distributed 09/23/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – Six Chinese dairy industry professionals are visiting the LSU AgCenter as part of a two-week (Sept. 12 to 26) U.S. Department of Agriculture training program.
(Audio 09/28/15) Tropical hibiscuses are beautiful summer-flowering shrubs that come with a couple problems. This tropical plant is vulnerable to cold weather and bud drop. Listen for information on how to ensure that your tropical hibiscuses flourish this year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Distributed 09/21/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter will hold a conference on bioenergy and bioproducts on Oct. 21 to help Louisiana producers and residents become more acquainted with the bioenergy industry.
(Distributed 09/21/15) BATON ROUGE, La – LSU College of Agriculture students helped transform areas of a preschool playground into gardens.
(Distributed 09/21/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter LaHouse Resource Center will offer classes in October that address new residential energy code requirements for Louisiana contractors, builders, inspectors and prospective code verifiers.
(Distributed 09/21/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – The Friends of the LSU Textile and Costume Museum will hold its Your Friends’ Closet Sale on Oct. 10 in the LSU AgCenter 4-H Mini Farm near Parker Coliseum on the LSU campus.
(Distributed 09/18/15) Firebush, also called firecracker plant, also is known by the scientific name Hamelia patens.
(Distributed 09/18/15) HAMMOND, La. – Fall is the time of year when we include gardening maintenance and upkeep in our list of outdoor activities. Fall is also a great time to add new plants to the landscape. Many home gardeners also mulch new plantings or add new mulch to older, established plantings before winter.
(Distributed 09/18/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens at Burden has announced the call for entries for the sixth annual Brush with Burden art exhibition.
(Audio 09/21/15) This time of year is still a good time to evaluate if and where you need shade trees in your landscape. Try to plant these trees to the south, west, or southwest in order to receive optimal shade. Listen for more information on planting shade trees in your landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/21/15) October is the perfect time to think about adding garlic to your garden. Although it may take a while for this plant to produce, it is extremely easy to grow. Listen for more information on planting and growing garlic. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/21/15) Over the years, Louisiana irises will get crowded, which may cause flowers to diminish. This problem can be solved by dividing your irises. Listen for more instructions on separating and cultivating Louisiana irises. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Video 09/28/15) Small, colorful shrubs can add nice variety to a yard or garden. The Lime Sizzler firebush is particularly impressive at lighting up a landscape. And as LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains on this edition of Get It Growing, the Lime Sizzler is also disease and insect free. (Runtime: 01:43)
(Video 09/21/15) We’re about to start the fall season, and it’s a great time of year to plant Homestead Purple verbena. It’s an LSU AgCenter Louisiana Super Plant selection for 2015. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains why this beautiful and tough verbena is worthy of the Super Plant title. (Runtime: 01:30)
(Audio 09/21/15) Despite the fact that azaleas are relatively pest free, azalea lace bugs are the most common problem for these plants. These pests cover azalea foliage in white specks until they look faded or tan. Listen for more information on azalea lace bugs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/21/15) Now is a good time to evaluate your garden beds in order to decide which plants you would and would not like to use in the following years. Taking pictures and writing notes are just two methods of assessing your beds. Listen for more information on evaluation of garden beds. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Distributed 09/17/15) ALEXANDRIA, La. – The LSU AgCenter Dean Lee Research and Extension Center will host the third annual Beef Cattle and Forage Field Day on Oct. 8.
(Distributed 09/16/15) CAMERON, La. – It’s been a decade since Hurricane Rita ripped through southwest Louisiana, and recovery has been a long, difficult process for many who have lived in the coastal area.
(Video 09/16/15) Louisiana is an important refueling stop in the hummingbird’s winter migration, and one Baton Rouge backyard has a lot of fuel for the tiny birds. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard visited Luke Laborde’s home with a group of LSU students studying Louisiana wildlife. (Runtime: 01: 53)
(Video 09/16/15) Farmers across Louisiana are busy harvesting soybeans, Louisiana’s largest crop in terms of acreage. Last year was a record yield for producers, but this year’s growing conditions were less kind. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has this report. (Runtime: 01:34)
(Distributed 09/16/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – The 30th Annual Tomato Disease Workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to discuss all aspects of tomato pathogens and disease management, said LSU AgCenter extension plant pathologist Melanie Lewis Ivey.
(Audio 09/14/15) If you placed plants in pots earlier this summer, it's extremely likely that they have become root-bound. Check your potted plants and move root-bound plants into larger containers with fresh soil. Listen for more information on repotting plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/14/15) Instead of wasting all of the organic matter that your landscape produces, try creating a compost pile out of things like grass clippings and fallen leaves. After leaving compost sitting for a year, it should be ready to use in your landscape. Listen for more information on creating a compost pile. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Distributed 09/14/15) HAMMOND, La. – The LSU AgCenter and the Tangipahoa Parish Master Gardeners Association have scheduled a fall garden workshop series on Sept. 30, Oct. 28 and Nov. 18 from 9 a.m. to noon at the AgCenter’s Hammond Research Station.
(Distributed 09/11/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter Hammond Research Station will hold its annual landscape horticulture industry field day for nursery, landscape and garden center professionals on Oct. 8.
(Distributed 09/11/15) Mexican Bush Sage (Salvia leucantha) is one of our best fall-flowering perennial salvias for Louisiana. This is one of the salvias that folks grew before others became more popular.
(Distributed 09/11/15) LAFAYETTE, La. – The Bayou Vermilion Preservation Association recognized Ernest Girouard of the LSU AgCenter recently (Sept. 11) for his work as this year’s chairman of a symposium that focuses on the waterway that courses through St. Landry, Lafayette and Vermilion parishes.
(Distributed 09/11/15) HAMMOND, La. – American beautyberry, sometimes confusingly called French mulberry, is a great Louisiana native shrub deserving increased use. The genus is Callicarpa, and both native and non-native species of this plant can be found in Louisiana.
(Distributed 09/10/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter LaHouse Resource Center will offer a half-day Lead Certified Renovator refresher class on Sept. 22.
(Audio 09/14/15) Don't forget that you can reuse caladiums in your landscape next year in the spring. This can prevent you from having to spend money again next year on decorative landscape plants. Listen for instructions on conserving your caladiums for next year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/14/15) Although you may associate azaleas with spring, many varieties also produce flowers in the fall. Try adding Encore or Fashion azaleas to your landscape for fall color. Listen for more information on fall-blooming azaleas. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/14/15) As fall approaches, it is not uncommon for rain and humidity to decrease. As a result, September and October can be particularly dry months. It's important to pay attention to watering your plants during this time. Listen for more information on maintaining moisture in your landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Distributed 09/10/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens at Burden dedicated the second of five markers on the Louisiana segment of the Bartram Trail on Sept. 9.
(Distributed 09/09/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – Horse owners in Louisiana’s hot, humid climate need to take precautions against anhidrosis, a condition that makes horses unable to sweat and regulate their body temperature, said LSU AgCenter equine specialist Neely Walker.
(Distributed 09/09/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – Back-to-school is in full swing, an exciting time for making new friends, meeting new teachers and getting involved. While the focus for the year is on academic achievement, it’s also important for students to participate in extra-curricular activities such as 4-H, said Janet Fox, head of the LSU AgCenter 4-H Youth Development Department.
(Audio 09/07/15) Although our lawns have been through a great deal this year due to extreme heat and chinch bugs, September is not the right time to apply nitrogen fertilizers. Instead of fertilizing, try focusing on weed control as the weather cools. Listen for more information on lawn care in the cool-season. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/07/15) If there are any plants in your landscape that need pruning, it's important to do that as soon as possible. However, the time to prune may have already passed for some plants. Listen for more information on pruning before the cool weather hits. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/07/15) It's about time to start pulling out the tired, old warm-season plants from your garden and replacing them with fresh new cool-season plants. Be sure to prepare your beds by replenishing the organic matter and fertilizer. Listen for more information on preparing for cool-season plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/07/15) With fall and winter just around the corner, it is important to allow hardy landscape plants to slow down naturally this time of year. As a result, gardeners must avoid fertilizing plants, with the exception of vegetables and bedding plants. Listen for more information on fall fertilizing. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/07/15) Mulches play an important role in gardening here in Louisiana. They provide weed control, conserve moisture, and add to the attractiveness of our landscapes. Listen for more information on mulching. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(distributed 09/08/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – Louisiana’s diverse agriculture industry helps make the state an important hub of global trade, commodity group representatives told foreign dignitaries visiting the LSU AgCenter on Sept. 4.
(Distributed 09/04/15) A reliable, long-lived perennial for great summer and fall flowers, porterweed also serves as a nectar plant for pollinators.
(Distributed 09/04/15) HAMMOND, La. – Garden mums are among the most popular landscape plants for fall. These plants are also known as chrysanthemums, and some folks in north Louisiana and other parts of the state refer to them as “pinks.”
(Distributed 09/04/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – Feral hogs cost Louisiana farmers more than $74 million in crop losses and other damage in 2013, according to an LSU AgCenter study.
(Distributed 09/04/15) POLLOCK, La. – Since the 1920s the LSU AgCenter Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center has been the scene of fun-filled summer days for many generations of Louisiana youth. But what happens in the off season?
(Distributed 09/04/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens at Burden will welcome the fall season with a Corn Maze Festival on Oct. 3 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
(Distributed 09/03/15) BATON ROUGE, La. – Ten LSU College of Agriculture students spent two weeks in August studying African wildlife ecology in Swaziland. The students, who are all majoring in natural resources ecology and management, spent most of the study-abroad program at the Savannah Research Centre in the Mbuluzi Game Reserve.
(Video 09/02/15) Louisiana shrimpers are struggling with extremely low wholesale prices. To increase their sales directly to consumers, which fetch a higher price, shrimpers are now turning to the Internet. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has the story. (Runtime: 01:46)
(Video 09/02/15) Need basil for a recipe? No need to run to the store when you can get it from your neighbor’s backyard. That is the idea behind grower exchanges that are popping up in neighborhoods like one in Baton Rouge. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story. (Runtime: 01:59)
(Video 09/07/15) The crossandra is a plant that was typically only grown indoors. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how new crossandra varieties bring months of colorful flowers to the outdoors as well. (Runtime: 01:44)
(Video 09/14/15) Early September is the time to cut back roses, and the end of September is a great time to plant them. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains why all roses are not the same. That means it’s very important to pick the right type roses for your needs. (Runtime: 01:52)
(Distributed 09/02/15) HAMMOND, La. – As cooler fall temperatures arrive, LSU AgCenter horticulturists are observing more cases of chilli thrips damage in nursery and landscape plants.
(Audio 08/31/15) At this point in the year, you should be seeing clusters of growth at the end of your pecan tree branches. Depending on what your crop looked like last year, your tree will either produce a larger or a small crop this year. Listen for more information on pecan trees and growth. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/31/15) Due to the long and mild fall in Louisiana, a variety of warm- and cool-season vegetables can be planted in your garden in September. Try planting tomatoes and peppers or cool-season vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage. Listen for more information on growing vegetables this fall. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/31/15) Although excessive rain can cause mushrooms to appear in your lawn, you shouldn't be concerned. If you are worried that your mushrooms may be poisonous or you just don't like how they look, you can pick them or run them over with your mower. Listen for more information on mushrooms in your lawn. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(For Release On 09/18/15) Gardeners use the term “volunteer” to describe the seedling of a desirable plant that appears in a garden without having been planted. They can be the offspring of trees and shrubs, but they’re most often the result of seeds dropped by annuals or perennials grown previously.
(For Release On 09/25/15) Many summer-blooming annuals, perennials and vegetables are setting seeds now. You can harvest some of the seeds, store them and then grow a new crop of plants for your garden next year.
(For Release On 09/04/15) For gardeners tired of the heat and longing for cooler weather, September can provide welcome relief. Cool fronts often begin to make their way this far south in September. But days in the 90s are still not uncommon, and after a long, hot summer, these last scorching days are especially hard to bear for gardeners and their landscapes.
(For Release On 09/11/15) One of the most common questions I receive from gardeners is, “What kind of fertilizer should I use?” These gardeners generally assume there must be an easy answer for this if they just tell me what kind of plant they’re growing.
(Audio 08/31/15) For most Louisianians, shallots and green onions are synonymous. Stop by your local nursery to purchase bunching onion or shallot sets to plant in your garden. Listen for more information on growing and harvesting green onions. (Runtime: 60 seconds)