Encore Azalea – Ornamental Plant of the Week for October 12 2015

Richard Bogren, Owings, Allen D.

Encore Azalea Autumn Sangria

Looking for some of the best of the multi-seasonal flowering azaleas? Look no further than the Encore azaleas – the “azalea that knows no season.”

Encore azaleas were born and bred in Louisiana by horticulturist Buddy Lee, of Independence. With almost 30 varieties now in the trade, you can select Encore azaleas for dwarf, intermediate and taller growth habits. A wide range of flower colors are available.

Plants reliably bloom in spring and fall. And in some years you will see occasional blooms on some varieties in summer and fall.

Azaleas prefer a filtered sun location with light afternoon shade, especially in summer. Landscape beds need to have acid soil and be well drained. Plant in the fall for best success, and mulch with pine straw.

Allen Owings
Rick Bogren

10/10/2015 2:11:52 AM
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