Linda F. Benedict, Fox, Janet E.
News Release Distributed 03/12/15
BATON ROUGE, La. – Louisiana 4-H has the opportunity to win $10,000 to support state programs about science, technology, engineering and math, known as STEM, if enough alumni cast an electronic vote by March 16 in a national competition sponsored by the National 4-H Council.
Janet Fox, associate head of the LSU AgCenter 4-H Youth Development Department, said Louisiana has been gradually moving up in the rankings since the contest began last month. Fox is encouraging anyone in Louisiana who has been a 4-H member to go to and register.
“There is no obligation,” Fox said. “We are using this as a way to find our 4-H alumni. But they can opt out of receiving any follow-up email messages.”
The state with proportionately the most alumni registering based on population will be the winner, Fox said.
The $10,000 prize is sponsored by HughesNet, a satellite Internet company. Fox said Louisiana 4-H will use the money to expand STEM programs in the state. These programs include a summer camp called the Louisiana Outdoor Science and Technology Camp, or LOST Camp. They also include the SET (science, engineering and technology) youth executive board, in which 4-H members develop programs to share with their peers.
Linda Foster Benedict
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture