(Audio 03/30/15) Now is a good time to prune your spring-flowering shrubs and vines. Make sure you are pruning with a specific purpose in mind like controlling the size. Listen for advice on pruning your spring shrubs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Video 03/30/15) Aucuba is an excellent plant that will thrive in the shade. It is a wonderful choice if you are attempting to add a tropical look to your garden. Add these evergreen shrubs to the shady areas in your landscape. (Runtime: 01:46)
(Video 03/23/15) Primroses are beautiful container plants that can also be grown in cool, shady areas. These flowers are perfect for decorating during the Easter season. Watch for more information on these lovely flowering plants. (Runtime: 01:44)
(Audio 03/23/15) Thrips are tiny insects that infest the flower buds of our roses and feed on the petals. The flowers will either look brown and old, or the bud will never open. Listen for instructions on how to get rid of these pests. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/23/15) Deadheading refers to the act of removing faded flowers from a plant. This can extend the plant's flowering period and maintain a fresh and neat look. Listen for more information about deadheading in your garden. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/23/15) Tropicals are common in Louisiana landscapes. Give your tropicals until late spring to wake up from the winter freezes. If your tropicals were killed during the winter, replant them in April or May. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/23/15) By the time March and April arrive, lawns are in active growth again. This means it's time to break out the lawn mower. Listen for more information on lawn and lawn mower maintenance. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/23/15) Buck moth caterpillars are primarily found feeding on oak trees. Large masses of buck moth caterpillars begin to appear by late March. Spray your trees to eliminate these caterpillars before they become a problem. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/16/15) Fertilizer is important, but you don't need a different kind for every plant. A general purpose fertilizer will work for most of your plants. Listen for more information on different types of fertilizers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/16/15) It's extremely important to spray fruit trees with insecticides and fungicides before they are infested. Be proactive and begin a spray program long before problems develop. Listen for more information on spraying fruit trees. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/16/15) March and April are very busy months for Louisiana gardening. In these months, make sure you prepare your beds very well for your vegetables, shrubs, and flowers. Listen for instructions on proper bed preparation. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/16/15) By late March and early April, Louisiana lawns are greening up very nicely. During this time, it is best to leave your lawn alone. Avoid fertilizing until the first week of April to allow the old root system to die off. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/16/15) Brown patch is a very common fungal disease that attacks lawns. The disease gets started when the weather is cool and moist and turns the grass yellow and brownish. Listen for instructions on how to control brown patch. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/09/15) Mulches are extremely useful in many ways. They suppress weed growth, maintain soil moisture, and moderate soil temperature. Organic mulch will decay over time and add organic matter to the soil. Listen for instruction on how maintain your mulch. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/09/15) Whether you're thinking about transplanting your perennials or dividing them, spring is the time to do it. Right now, the perennials don't have too much growth. Listen for information on dividing and transplanting. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/09/15) March is a great time to fertilize shrubs in your landscape. However, not all plants need to be fertilized every year. Observe how your shrubs are growing and fertilize accordingly. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/09/15) It is important to allow transplants to adapt before planting them directly into your vegetable gardens. Give them time to adjust before exposing them to direct sunlight, and allow them to wilt slightly in order to toughen them up. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 03/09/15) When considering purchasing a home, it is a good idea to have the trees on the property inspected. Large trees around a home or on a property have potential to cause problems. To avoid costly damage, hire a licensed arborist to inspect trees on potential properties. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Video 03/16/15) If you plant cool-season flowering plants now, they won't last very long. But verbena can be planted in cool weather and continue to flourish through summer heat. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains the colorful choices for this flowering plant and how to care for it. (Runtime: 01:40)
(Video 03/09/15) Not all flowering bulbs re-bloom again and again. But, easy-to-grow paperwhites do exactly that. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how to select and care for paperwhites. (Runtime: 01:57)
(For Release On Or After 03/20/15) March is a month when many gardeners begin to plant their spring vegetables. Raised beds can be the solution to a number of challenges when it comes to home vegetable gardens.
(For Release On Or After 03/27/15) It’s time to plant tomato transplants into the garden, especially in south Louisiana. North Louisiana gardeners may want to wait another couple of weeks to be cautious. Early planted tomatoes produce more and higher-quality tomatoes and benefit from lower pest populations.
(For Release On Or After 03/06/15) Your landscape is there to be enjoyed by you and your family. It’s the setting for your home and provides a space for outdoor activities. Lawn areas offer a wonderful place for kids to play, and family get-togethers and parties take place on decks and patios. If your family includes pets, your landscape will likely be used by them as well.
(For Release On Or After 03/13/15) Almost every landscape has shady areas, and ferns are a great group of plants that are just perfect for shady spots. Early spring is a great time to plant ferns into the landscape. It allows them to settle in and get established before the heat of summer.