Pericallis – Ornamental Plant of the Week for February 2, 2015

Richard Bogren, Owings, Allen D.


Many people may be unfamiliar with pericallis, but the Senetti series features the first repeat-blooming varieties.

These are good plants for late-winter through late-spring flower color. Ideally, pericallis should be used as a decorative container plant.

Pericallis are cold hardy to the upper 30s or low 40s. They’re not frost-tolerant and will need some protection if planted in a landscape before the last killing frost or freeze.

These are sold at garden centers from January through spring and are featured plants for Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day and other spring holidays.

You can learn more about this plant in Dan Gill’s Get It Growing video here.

Allen Owings
Rick Bogren

1/31/2015 3:41:04 AM
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