Nicotiana – Ornamental Plant of the Week for January 26, 2015

Richard Bogren, Owings, Allen D.

Perfume Nicotiana

Nicotianas are good alternative cool-season bedding plants for south Louisiana.

Nicotiana is flowering tobacco. Most for landscape use are “dwarf” in size but still reach heights of 24 inches. Nicotianas have less cold hardiness than some other cool-season flowers, however. So that needs to be considered.

In south Louisiana, they should be able to withstand winter temperatures as long as plants are hardened off some before the first frosts and freezes. You can also plant them in mid- to late February. Plants last until late spring.

Flower colors available include white, lime, rose, red and more. They do best during the cool season in full sun but will perform better into late spring if partial shade is provided.

The Nicki, Perfume and Saratoga varieties do well in Louisiana.

Allen Owings
Rick Bogren

1/24/2015 2:04:32 AM
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