(Distributed 02/24/14) CROWLEY, La. – LSU AgCenter plant pathologist Don Groth said a federal label for the fungicide Sercadis has been granted for the upcoming growing season.
(Distributed 02/24/14) POLLOCK, La. – Families learned about healthy eating and the importance of exercise at the Louisiana 4-H Food and Fitness Camp held at 4-H Camp Grant Walker Feb. 22-23.
(Distributed 02/03/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – The growing feral hog population is causing millions of dollars of damage to agriculture across the southeastern United States. Because they are intelligent, difficult to control and have an appetite for just about anything, the hogs can quickly wipe out fields of crops along with farmers' investments.
(Distributed 02/05/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter is helping organize a derelict crab trap rodeo off the coast of Terrebonne Parish. The roundup will take place Saturday, Feb, 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Toby Voisin’s oyster dock at the end of Highway 315 in Dularge.
(Distributed 02/14/14) Some of the best dianthus for Louisiana are the Amazon series. These are extremely prolific flower producers and can be planted in September through early November or in February through March.
(Distributed 02/18/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – East Baton Rouge Parish Master Gardeners will have a plant sale at the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens at Burden from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., April 12.
(Distributed 02/21/14) HAMMOND, La. – Flowering trees add considerable color and beauty to our landscapes during late winter and early spring. Many of the trees that flower at this time of year can be considered low-maintenance compared to the amount of pleasure we get from them.
(Distributed 02/14/14) NEW ORLEANS –People involved in providing agricultural products to the New Orleans area joined in a leadership forum to discuss ways to improve the current system in New Orleans on Feb. 11.
(Distributed 02/25/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – Dining and music among the blooms and under the stars will be featured during Gourmet in the Garden: A Progressive Dinner in the Gardens at the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens at Burden on April 25, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
(Distributed 02/12/14) DELHI, La. – Invasive species and residue management highlighted a recent (Feb. 6) LSU AgCenter agriculture producer meeting.
(Distributed 02/14/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – The 25th annual Florida Parishes forestry forum is scheduled for Friday, March 14, at the University Center at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond.
(Distributed 02/06/14) ALEXANDRIA, La. – The LSU AgCenter will hold its annual Central Louisiana Forestry Forum on Feb. 25 at the State Evacuation Shelter at the Dean Lee Research and Extension Station adjacent to the LSU-Alexandria campus.
(Distributed 02/28/14) ALEXANDRIA, La. – The future for wood products in Louisiana is bright, thanks to Europe, a beetle in Canada and an increase in U.S. housing construction, LSU AgCenter experts said Tuesday (Feb. 25) at the Central Louisiana Forestry Forum.
(Distributed 02/20/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – Mike Burnett has been named executive associate dean of the LSU College of Agriculture. In this new role, Burnett hopes to help the college's 10 departments and schools meet needs that will allow improved funding and recruitment, particularly in graduate programs.
(Distributed 02/03/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – A Louisiana 4-H group attended the first 4-H National Youth Healthy Living Summit recently to learn how to spread the message about living safer and healthier.
(Distributed 02/17/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter has scheduled 14 field days at off-campus research stations during 2014.
(Distributed 02/06/14) LAFAYETTE, La. – LSU AgCenter researchers detailed their projects recently at the annual meeting of the Louisiana Division of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. The conference, Feb. 3-5, was held in conjunction with the American Sugar Cane League.
(Distributed 02/28/14) HAMMOND, La. – One of the programs the LSU AgCenter offers is “Louisiana Yards and Neighborhoods.” It was developed several years ago as an educational program to teach home gardeners about sustainable landscaping and home horticulture practices.
(Distributed 02/28/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – The 13th class of the LSU AgCenter’s Agricultural Leadership Development program completed its two-year course of study with graduation February 22 at Nottoway Plantation in White Castle as AgCenter administrators recognized 24 leaders in agriculture production and ag-related industries from around the state.
(Distributed 02/17/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter honored five Louisiana 4-H and FFA students and one adult leader Saturday, Feb. 15, for their work with youth livestock projects.
(Distributed 02/12/14) LAKE CHARLES, La. – Louisiana birds and wildlife habitat considered commonplace by local residents are considered exotic and fascinating by many out-of-state visitors looking for the different and unusual, according to speakers at an agritourism workshop on Feb. 11.
(Distributed 02/28/14) JEANERETTE, La. – The Acadiana Beef Cattle Producers field day will be held March 8 at the Iberia Research Station.
(Distributed 02/11/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – A new gelatin-like bait using shrimp waste could improve the way blue crabs are caught along the coast of Louisiana and add value to the state’s shrimp processing industry.
(Distributed 02/25/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – The fourth annual Brush With Burden art exhibition will be held at the LSU AgCenter’s Botanic Garden at Burden from March 23-30.
(Distributed 02/20/14) SHREVEPORT, La., – The LSU AgCenter will hold its 30th Annual ARK-LA-TEX forestry forum on March 6 at the Holiday Inn Financial Plaza in Shreveport.
(Distributed 02/20/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – Louisiana’s issues with coastal land loss are well-documented. Scientists estimate that since 1930 as much as 25 square miles of land per year have been lost in the Mississippi River delta area.
(Distributed 02/20/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – Beauregard Parish Master Gardeners will hold a spring garden festival and plant sale at the Beauregard Parish Fairground Exhibit Hall and Demonstration Garden from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m on March 1.