2014 LSU AgCenter Get it Growing calendar now available

Richard Bogren, McCallum, Elma Sue

Cover of the 2014 LSU AgCenter Get It Growing calendar

Louisiana citrus is the featured photo for December in the 2014 LSU AgCenter Get it Growing calendar. Although commercial citrus production is limited to the extreme southern portions of the state, home gardeners across south Louisiana grow a wide variety of citrus in their yards. Even north Louisiana gardeners occasionally can be found growing hardier types like satsumas. Photo by Gerard Plauche of New Orleans.

Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema x grandiflorum) is the featured photo for October in the 2014 LSU AgCenter Get It Growing calendar. Garden mums are among the best perennials for flowers in the fall. Blooming plants planted in the fall can be cut back after flowering and will bloom in the fall for years. Photo by Kathy Kramer of Slaughter.

Photo By: Kathleen Kramer

News Release Distributed 10/07/13

BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter’s 2014 Get It Growing Calendar is now available.

Filled with photos representing lawn and garden settings across the state, as well as helpful tips and how-to information, the calendar provides gardening enthusiasts with opportunities to learn more about their craft and to be inspired by garden photos.

“People in Louisiana love their gardens, and it shows in the beautiful photos we receive from all across the state,” said Elma Sue McCallum of LSU AgCenter Communications, who serves as the calendar’s coordinator.

“This year’s special feature offers a wealth of information on roses,” she said. “It includes a section on how to compost properly, definitions and explanations for a variety of gardening terms and a list of new Louisiana Super Plants for spring and fall.”

McCallum said the calendar’s 32 full-color pages are chock-full of useful gardening information from LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill. It has become an annual resource for Louisiana gardeners who wish to improve their gardening skills and nurture their flowers, vegetables, plants and lawns.

The 9-by-13.25-inch calendar sells for $11.95. It is available for online orders here. Phone orders can be placed by calling 225-578-4646. Sample photos and more information also are available through the website.

The calendar, which is designed as part of the LSU AgCenter’s popular Get It Growing educational campaign on home lawns and gardens, is expected to be available through a variety of bookstores, garden centers and gift shops across the state this fall.

The photographers featured in this year’s calendar come from across Louisiana and include Ann Anderson, of New Orleans; Glenda Balliviero, of Lafayette; Norman Balliviero, of Lafayette; Karen Bryant, of Lake Charles; William Crowell, of Metairie; Mindy Dunn, of Transylvania; Cathy Feig, of Baton Rouge; JoAnn Gary, of Maurice; Curtis Hilbun, of Wisner; Maryelle Hooper, of Stonewall; Kathy Kramer, of Slaughter; Hanna Kwasik, of New Orleans; Gerard Plauche, of New Orleans; Conchita Richey, of Gonzales, and Surmartha Wallace of Columbia.

Rick Bogren
10/7/2013 7:48:57 PM
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