Wheat, oat field day set for April 17 at LSU AgCenter Macon Ridge Research Station

Richard Bogren, Miller, Donnie K.

News Release Distributed 03/21/13

LSU AgCenter will conduct a wheat and oat field day on April 17 at the Macon Ridge Research Station south of Winnsboro, La.

The program will begin with registration at 8:30 a.m. followed by an indoor presentation featuring a crop update, managing wheat residue in a double-crop system and wheat water-logging tolerance.

A field tour will include presentations on fusarium head scab genotype screening; wheat weed management research; wheat breeding, Sungrains and seed increases; fungicide trials and disease control; wheat variety trials; wheat production research; and Hessian fly and aphid control.

More information is available from Donnie Miller at 318-435-2157 or by email.

Rick Bogren

3/21/2013 7:55:28 PM
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