Johnny W. Morgan, McCormick, Michael E.
BATON ROUGE, La. – A variety of LSU AgCenter and Mississippi State University scientists and specialists will present ways to improve livestock nutrition programs at a forage and feed field day at the AgCenter Southeast Research Station in Franklinton on April 5.
The event will begin with registration at 8:30 a.m. and continue with outdoor presentations discussing protein supplements for beef calves and agricultural byproducts for Holstein steers on oat pasture.
Other topics to be discussed include replacing corn with soy hulls in lactating Holstein cow diets, novel forages for improved nutritive value and soil renovation, and herbicides for early season weed control in bermudagrass, according to Mike McCormick, resident coordinator at the station.
The outdoor program will be followed by an indoor program that will feature discussions on the livestock and milk price outlook, a United States Department of Agriculture farm bill update and a grain and ag byproduct price outlook.
A barbecue lunch will be followed by equipment demonstrations and informal viewing of the experimental dairy lagoons, ryegrass variety plots, milking barn, forage testing lab and forage herbicide tests.
For additional field day information, contact McCormick at 985-839-2322.
Johnny Morgan
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture