(Audio 07/26/13) During Louisiana's humid summer, it is not unusual to see mushrooms in the landscape. Mushrooms are mainly a nuisance. Some types of mushrooms can be poisonous, so consider gathering and disposing of them if you have children or pets. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/25/13) Chrysanthemums are the queen of the fall flower garden, but summer is a good time to cut them back. If you wait too long to do this, it may interfere with their blooming. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/29/13) August ushers in late summer and early fall for our vegetable gardens. Gardeners can plant vegetables that can tolerate the heat and ones that will productive into fall. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/29/13) Louisiana gardeners get a second shot at growing tomatoes in late summer. Tomatoes planted this time of the year may have pest problems, so keep an eye out insects or diseases. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/29/13) Chinch bug damage is more common late in the summer. Chinch bugs suck the sap out of the grass, causing the leaf blades to roll up lengthwise. The grass also will appear to need water. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/29/13) Louisiana gardeners have more than their share of late-summer pests. Insects have had all season long to build up their populations, and we usually see the worst outbreaks this time of the year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/29/13) Louisiana has a long summer growing season. Plants that were planted back in April will live in our gardens for months. If your summer bedding plants are tall or leggy, trim them back to keep them attractive. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Video 07/29/13) During this hottest time of summer, large numbers of people don’t typically flock to plant nurseries. But on this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains that now is an ideal time to go to your nursery to select flowers that will add great color to your landscape – colors that can last until October. (Runtime- 1:33)
(Audio 07/24/13) Palms are popular in Louisiana landscapes. Because our winters are mild, we can plant a wide variety of palms. Summer is the perfect time to plant palms, so consider adding some to your yard. Remember to get one hardy enough for your area. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/23/13) Gardeners don't cut enough flowers from their flower gardens. In this segment of Get It Growing, horticulturist Dan Gills offers tips to get the longest life out of your cut flowers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/22/13) Basil is popular herb used in many dishes. It is also easy to grow. This is a good time to plant basil. The herb comes in different varieties, so choose one that suits your needs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Video 07/22/13) Asparagus ferns are not really ferns, but they offer lush, green foliage similar to a true fern. On this edition of Get It Growing, horticulturist Dan Gill explains how this adaptable, drought-tolerant plant works well in sunny or shady parts of your landscape. (Runtime: 1:48)
(Video 07/15/13) The name “jasmine” is often used for plants that provide pleasing fragrance. But not all of them are actually jasmine plants. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to some “true” jasmine plants that have nice aromas and beautiful white flowers. (Runtime: 1:47)
(Audio 07/15/13) Blackberries are an easy fruit to grow. They don't have many insect or disease problems, but they do require judicious pruning. Listen to learn how to prune blackberries. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/15/14) Bark lice are small insects that feed on the bark of trees. The lice scavenge organic debris off the surface of the bark. They don't harm the tree, and no control is needed. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/15/14) High temperatures in summer can stress roses. Flowers may be smaller and may not last that long. Deadhead your roses and water them weekly if we enter a dry spell. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/15/14) Hydrangeas and gardenias are considered early summer-blooming shrubs, but they set their flowers for next year in late July or early August. If you need to do some pruning on them, do it as soon as possible. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/15/14) Gardeners can start harvesting figs in July. Ripe figs are vulnerable to bird or insect damage. Make it a habit to harvest figs often so you get to enjoy your figs instead of the birds enjoying them. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/08/13) When mowing frequently, you are more likely to notice if you have problem areas in your lawn. Shade is a common problem in landscapes, so consider a shade-tolerant grass or ground cover or just mulch the area. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/08/13) Leaf miners are a common problem in the vegetable garden, flower bed and even on fruit trees. They feed on the inside of the leaf. They can be controlled by an organic insecticide. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/08/13) Weeding is a job that is never quite done. Weeds will always pop back up. But if you follow a few guidelines, you can weed less often. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/08/13) The heat in the summer can make it difficult to garden. If you do feel the urge to get out there and garden, you can find wonderful bedding plants that will tolerate the heat. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/08/13) Caladiums are a common bedding plant to use in shady areas of the landscape. They are reliable but require some care, including a good layer of mulch and an adequate amount of water. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Video 07/08/13) Begonias are perennial plants that come in dramatically different sizes and shapes. On this edition of Get It Growing, horticulturist Dan Gill explains the ever-expanding selections of begonias and which ones to be wary of in our hot, humid summer climate. (Runtime: 1:36)
(Video 07/01/13) It’s a nice perk to have beautiful flowers that keep blooming year after year at the same time, without having to replant. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to one of those — a native perennial called Stoke’s aster. (Runtime: 1:37)
(Audio 07/01/13) Tomato season is just about over. Heat-tolerant tomatoes will keep producing in July, but standard tomatoes begin to lose quality. You can use insecticides to battle summer pests or you may decide to pull the plants up. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/01/13) Summer is not a good time to plant shade trees into your landscape. It is a good time to see where you may need more shade. Trees can lower cooling bills and provide shade around decks and patios. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/01/13) Webworms are a common type of caterpillar that infest trees in Louisiana during summer. They prefer pecan trees and seem to be prevalent this year. They look terrible, but don't threaten the health of the tree. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio News 07/01/13) Summer lawn care mainly involves mowing. When rain is frequent, you will likely need to mow more often. Cutting the grass regularly keeps it healthy. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/01/13) Gardeners willing to endure the heat can plant many great vegetables this month. Keep in mind these vegetables must be able to tolerate the extreme heat and will likely need plenty of water early on. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(For Release On Or After 07/05/13) Many vegetables that were planted in spring, such as tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and snap beans, are finishing or have already reached the end of their productive season. Once the harvest is finished, they should be removed from the garden.
(For Release On Or After 07/26/13) I have always thought of gardening as a “green” activity. Indeed, the horticulture industry that includes wholesale nursery growers, retail nurseries and landscape installation and maintenance companies has long been known as the “green industry.”
(For Release On Or After 07/19/13) Grassy weeds are among the most difficult to control in the landscape. Torpedograss is a scourge around the state, and common bermudagrass is a problem no matter where you go. Grassy weeds are a problem in both lawns and beds.
(For Release On Or After 07/12/13) After a rainy period in summer, we typically see mushrooms popping up everywhere. Some people are concerned, some are curious, and some are downright irritated when these strange growths appear in landscapes.