4-H poultry judging team brings home wins in national contest

News Release Distributed 11/28/11

The Louisiana 4-H Poultry Judging Team placed fourth overall at the National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference in Louisville, Ky., on Nov. 16-17. They also took fourth place in production hen judging, sixth in market poultry grading and fourth in market egg grading, according to LSU AgCenter poultry specialist Theresia Lavergne.

The team members were Ashley Gotreaux, Jefferson Davis Parish; Jamey Comeaux, Assumption Parish; Austin Courville, Assumption Parish and Victoria Glaser, Pointe Coupee Parish.

Other winners include Shawn Fox, an Ascension Parish 4-H’er, who took third place in the National 4-H Egg Preparation Demonstration Contest.

“Shawn was judged on his presentation skills and on the dish he prepared – Bread Pudding with Amaretto Sauce,” Lavergne said. He won a gold pin and a $300 savings bond. Shawn was coached by Katherine Beier, an Ascension Parish volunteer.

Ashley Gotreaux was the fourth high individual in production hen judging and the eighth high individual in the overall contest. Austin Courville was the first high individual in market egg grading and the 20th high individual in the overall contest. Jamey Comeaux was the 15th high individual in the overall contest.

The team was coached by Sadie Phelps, an Assumption Parish volunteer; Robert Price, a Jefferson Davis Parish volunteer; and Mark Carriere, the AgCenter 4-H agent in Pointe Coupee Parish.

In addition, the Louisiana 4-H Avian Bowl team placed fourth in the national avian bowl contest. Team members were Viki-Dawn Landry, Ascension Parish; Joseph Landry, Ascension Parish; Gregg Simmons, DeSoto Parish; and Beau St. Andrie, DeSoto Parish.

Each team member won a silver pin and a $50 savings bond. The team was coached by Beier and Hannah Landry, another Ascension Parish volunteer, and Molly Usrey, the AgCenter 4-H Agent in DeSoto Parish.

Benton Troxclair, from Lafourche Parish, placed fifth in the National 4-H Turkey Barbecue Contest. Benton was judged on his barbecue techniques, the sensory evaluation of the finished barbecue and on his presentation skills, in which he gave an illustrated talk on turkeys. He won a silver pin and a $100 savings bond. Benton was coached by Suzanne Troxclair, a Lafourche Parish volunteer, and Donna Ayo, the AgCenter 4-H Agent in Lafourche Parish.

Chelsea Sutherland, an Ascension Parish 4-H’er, took ninth place in the National 4-H Chicken Barbecue Contest. Chelsea was judged on her barbecue techniques, the sensory evaluation of the finished barbecue and on her presentation skills, in which she gave an illustrated talk on poultry. Chelsea won a bronze pin and a $100 savings bond. Chelsea was also coached by Beier.

The conference was held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition.

Johnny Morgan

11/29/2011 2:10:10 AM
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