News Release Distributed 05//27/11
FENTON, La. – The LSU AgCenter Southwest Louisiana Rice Tour will be held June 1 starting at the Fenton Cooperative.
“This will be a comprehensive effort to keep farmers informed of the latest research,” said Barrett Courville, LSU AgCenter county agent in Jefferson Davis and Acadia parishes.
Registration will be held from 9-9:30 a.m. when the event will move to the farm of Jimmy Hoppe. Farmers will get updates on the latest LSU AgCenter developments in rice breeding, weed and disease control, and fertilization.
The event will proceed to the farm of Mark Pousson for a presentation on a Horizon Ag variety plot and updates on insect control and statewide rice crop conditions.
The program will end at the Welsh Community Center, where farmers will hear a rice market update and have lunch courtesy of RiceTec.
Bruce Schultz
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture