La. 4-H’ers plan day at Capitol

Kenneth Gautreaux, Faul, Terril D.

News Release Distributed 05/24/11

Nearly 1,200 4-H’ers and volunteer leaders plan to be in Baton Rouge at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, June 1, to take part in 4-H Day at the Capitol. The event will give 4-H’ers an opportunity to visit with their legislators and see up close how state government conducts its business while the legislature is in session.

This year marks the tenth consecutive year that 4-H youth are visiting the Capitol. Nearly 10,000 4-H’ers, parents and volunteer leaders have participated in the previous events.

4-H is the nation’s largest youth organization and is administered in Louisiana by the LSU AgCenter. Louisiana has more than 234,000 members participating in 4-H Club activities across the state.

The trip is one of many that 4-H conducts as part of its educational curriculum. For some, it is their first opportunity to visit the grounds of the Capitol and view the historic building.

“It is a fun event for the students, and yet it is very educational. In the past students have watched committee meetings, conducted mock votes on the floor of the Senate and taken a tour of the building conducted by the legislators,” said Terril Faul, coordinator for the event.

The members and volunteers get to meet with their legislators, who discuss some of the history of the building and how bills become laws. The legislators get the opportunity to interact with their constituents and hear about some of the events 4-H members are involved with in their parishes.

Six 4-H leadership boards will begin the festivities with a dinner at the Governor’s Mansion on Tuesday night.

A program on the steps of the Capitol Wednesday morning will allow legislators, many of whom were 4-H’ers during their youth, to address the entire group. After the program, students meet with their legislators, who provide the youth and guests with a tour of the Capitol.

During the afternoon, state 4-H President Gabe Stelly, of St. Landry Parish, will address both the House and Senate chambers about the importance of 4-H and thank the legislators for the support they have provided the program.

Craig Gautreaux

5/24/2011 11:13:48 PM
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