Schultz Bruce, Linscombe, Steven D.
News Release Distributed 05/18/11
MAMOU, La. – The Evangeline Parish Rice Field Day will be May 24 at Bieber Farms with experts from the LSU AgCenter discussing fertilization, new varieties, insect control, herbicides, diseases and the rice market. The event starts at 7:30 a.m. and continues until 11 a.m.
Bieber Farms is on Bieber Road, 1 mile west of La. Highway 13.
Other rice field days scheduled by the AgCenter include:
– The Southwest Rice Tour on June 1 in Fenton and Welsh.
– The Acadia Rice and Soybean Field Day on June 15.
– The LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station, June 30.
– The Vermilion Rice Field Day, July 5.
– On July 13, the Northeast Louisiana Rice Field Day at Rayville.
Steve Linscombe, director of the Rice Research Station, said farmers may get ideas from the field days on ways to cut their expenses by increasing their efficiency.
"Our scientists will be available to answer questions and provide advice," Linscombe said.
Bruce Schultz
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture