4-H University to be held June 21-24 in Baton Rouge

Kenneth Gautreaux, Faul, Terril D., Tassin, Mark G.

News Release Distributed 05/25/11

Approximately 1,500 4-H members from across the state will participate in 43 contests and 12 Clover College tracks during the annual 4-H University June 21-24 on the LSU campus in Baton Rouge.

Winners of the contests will receive scholarships, educational trips to places such as Orlando, Fla., and U.S savings bonds. Some winners will advance to national competitions at various locations across the country.

Each night of 4-H University will include an assembly in which participants will hear from speakers, including Barbara Chamberlain of New Mexico State University, Jim Purcell, Commissioner of Higher Education, and Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler.

Contests during the event cover a wide range of subjects, including photography, public speaking and insect identification. Clover College tracks include Exploring the World of Sports, Forensics the First 48 Hours, and Robotics Our Challenge Your Solution.

Also, during this week 4-H members elect state officers for the upcoming school year. Candidates will give speeches on June 21 with run-off elections scheduled for June 22. Results of the elections will be announced on June 23 along with the winners of the contests.

“For some students this week is about competing against other students. Whether it’s for a state office or in a contest, some students thrive on the competitive element. For others, it’s about exploring new opportunities or learning new skills. One thing that all students take home from 4-H U is a week of great memories,” said Mark Tassin, state leader for the LSU AgCenter’s 4-H youth development program.

In addition to the 4-H members, about 300 4-H volunteers and LSU AgCenter agents are expected to attend, according to Terril Faul, 4-H University coordinator.

“4-H members enjoy coming to LSU for this event. It gives them a chance to get a close look at what it’s like to be on the LSU campus,” Faul said.

For more information on 4-H University or how to join a 4-H Club, go to www.lsuagcenter.com/4h.

Craig Gautreaux

5/25/2011 11:41:35 PM
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