Schultz Bruce, Hutchinson, Vickie, Heidorn, Neely
News Release Distributed 08/29/11
FOLSOM, La. – Come out to the LSU AgCenter’s first polo tournament on Oct. 2 and watch a few chukkers of this equine sport and help raise money for extension horse programs.
The Clover Cup Polo Tournament will be from noon until 4 p.m. at Leah Farms Equestrian Center near Folsom. Admission is $25 for adults and $10 for spectators under age 18. Food and beverages are included, according to organizers Neely Heidorn, extension equine specialist, and Vickie Hutchinson, coordinator for livestock and horse shows.
Attendees can bring lawn chairs and tailgate, or they can sponsor a table available with prices of $250, $500, $1,000 and $2,500, Hutchinson said.
Proceeds will benefit 4-H equine clinics, Master Horseman clinics, LSU AgCenter State 4-H Horse Show, Southern Regional 4-H Horse Show Championship educational trip, and other events and shows offered by the LSU AgCenter.
Polo is a 2,500-year-old sport that combines top athletes with horses in a fast-paced event. The day will feature the New Orleans Polo Club, Family Fun, a Calcutta Style Auction, a Pretty Woman Hat Contest and more.
For more information, contact Hutchinson at 225-578-2620 or or Heidorn at 225-578-5338 or
Bruce SchultzThe LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture