News Release Distributed 04/25/11
MANSFIELD, La. – Chesapeake Energy Corp. awarded two students laptop computers at an awards banquet April 19, honoring the winners of the Discovering Tomorrow’s Leaders contest in DeSoto Parish.
Abby Campbell, a 4-H Junior Leader from Central School Corporation, and Megan Register, a 4-H member from Logansport Elementary School, were among eight made eligible for the laptop drawings after being selected from among nominations submitted by school officials, family and friends.
Campbell is also 10th-grade class president, an honor student, a varsity basketball and softball team player and a member of the cheer squad.
Register, 10, is an active church and community volunteer.
In addition to donating the laptops, Chesapeake gave $1,000 to each school for needed equipment and supplies. In total, Chesapeake presented $8,000 to schools in DeSoto Parish.
Students were selected for the drawings based on a wide range of activities including volunteerism with 4-H and character development through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
The other 4-H students honored were:
Leah Brown, a 17-year-old student at Logansport High School. She is president of Logansport High School’s 4-H Club as well as president of the DeSoto Parish 4-H Junior Leader Club. She is 4-H regional representative on the Louisiana State Executive Board.
LaShayla Shelley, 17, a student at Pelican All Saints, is an active 4-H leader and a volunteer firefighter.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture