(Radio News 08/09/10) Snacks are an important part of a child’s daily diet according to LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Radio News 08/02/10) LSU AgCenter sugarcane breeders released a new variety this year called L 03-371. LSU AgCenter sugarcane specialist Dr. Kenneth Gravois talks about this variety. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(TV News 08/30/10) Heavy rains fell across Louisiana recently -- halting the harvest of rice and the planting of sugarcane. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard takes a look at how the weather is affecting those two crops. (Runtime: 1:19)
(Radio News 08/23/10) Backpacks aren’t the only things youngsters are carrying to school. Many students bring their own lunches. LSU AgCenter nutritionist and food safety expert Dr. Beth Reames says parents should be sure their children's food is packed safely. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Radio News 08/16/10) Louisiana’s seafood producers have a new tool to help market their products. LSU AgCenter vice chancellor and extension director, Dr. Paul Coreil says MarketMaker, an internet-driven clearinghouse for agricultural commodities, will link consumers to producers. This can help Louisiana’s struggling seafood industry. (Runtime: 1:30)
(TV News 08/09/10) Late planting of the state’s cotton crop puts it at risk, reports LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard. Dry weather delayed the planting and also affected some of Louisiana’s corn crop. (Runtime: 1:28)
(Radio News 08/23/10) Wayne Kramer’s phone hasn’t been ringing incessantly this year. The LSU AgCenter’s mosquito expert says that’s one unscientific indication that the state’s mosquito population is down. (Runtime: 1:10)
(Radio News 08/16/10) 4-H’ers from across the state participated in Marsh Maneuvers, a week-long camp focused on coastal Louisiana’s natural resources. LSU AgCenter coastal area agent Mark Shirley directs the camp. (Runtime: 1:15)
(Radio News 08/09/10) LSU AgCenter child and family life expert Dr. Linda Robinson says there are 10 things every child needs for the best start in life. The list starts with a loving relationship with an adult and also includes appropriate touch, verbal and nonverbal communication with others and interaction. (Runtime: 1:10)
(Radio News 08/23/10) Parents of school-aged children could be eligible for the Louisiana School Tuition and Expense Tax Deduction. LSU AgCenter family economist Dr. Jeanette Tucker says families should save receipts for school-related expenses. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Radio News 08/02/10) The main focus of the LSU AgCenter Sugar Research Station is breeding and variety development says the station’s director Dr. Pat Bollich. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Radio News 08/16/10) Dr. Brooks Blanche’s work helps farmers pick varieties. The LSU AgCenter researcher says that’s an important decision for farmers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Radio News 08/30/10) Heavy rains fell on rice fields across the state which caused the crop to fall over and will complicate the harvest. LSU AgCenter rice specialist Dr. Johnny Saichuk explains. (Runtime: 1:05)
(Radio News 08/30/10) Sugarcane farmers are out this time of the year, getting a portion of next year’s crop planted. LSU AgCenter sugarcane specialist Dr. Kenneth Gravois says recent rains have slowed planting. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(08/02/10) Louisiana’s cold winter delayed early growth on the state’s sugarcane crop, but it also helped eliminate diseases such as rust that caused problems in last year’s crop. Since then, the warm spring and summer have allowed plant growth to catch up. (Runtime: 1:24)
(Radio News 08/30/10) Mosquitoes are a nuisance in Louisiana, but mosquito researchers are working on new methods to kill them. LSU AgCenter mosquito expert Dr. Wayne Kramer is testing new compounds to control mosquito larvae. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Radio News 08/02/10) Louisiana’s cold winter delayed early growth on the state’s sugarcane crop, but the warm spring and summer has allowed plant growth to catch up according to LSU AgCenter sugarcane specialist Dr. Kenneth Gravois. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Radio News 08/02/10) Louisiana’s cold winter delayed early growth on the state’s sugarcane crop, but the warm spring and summer have allowed plant growth to catch up, according to LSU AgCenter sugarcane specialist Dr. Kenneth Gravois. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Radio News 08/23/10) The average college student graduates with five credit cards and $5,000 in credit card debt. The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 has provisions that will protect the next crop of college students, says LSU AgCenter family economist Dr. Jeanette Tucker. (Runtime: 1:20)
(Radio News 08/23/10) Moving away to college can be a financial eye-opener, says LSU AgCenter family economist Dr. Jeanette Tucker. Students should determine their fixed and flexible costs and prepare a livable budget before they make the big move. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Radio News 08/16/10) 4-H’ers attending Marsh Maneuvers camp spent an afternoon at the Vermilion Parish Oil Spill Response Command Center. It is here that officials with BP, the Coast Guard and Vermilion Parish plan strategies to keep oil out of Vermilion Bay. (Runtime: 1:20)
(TV News 08/16/10) The summer 4-H camp, Marsh Maneuvers, typically takes high school students into Louisiana’s coastal wetlands. This year, participants also learned first-hand about oil spill response. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story. (Runtime: 2:01)
(Radio News 08/30/10) Louisiana rice farmers are harvesting their crop. Last year farmers harvested near-record yields. LSU AgCenter rice specialist Dr. Johnny Saichuk reports yields are down this year, however. (Runtime: 1:05)
(Radio News 08/02/10) Aphids are becoming more of a problem in sugarcane fields according to LSU AgCenter entomologist Dr. Gene Reagan. The aphids suck juice from the plants and reduce yields. The insects also can transmit diseases and toxins to the sugarcane plant. (Runtime: 1:15)
(Radio News 08/30/10) Farmers growing corn and cotton have traditional markets for their commodities, but producers of honey, goat milk or other specialty crops may have a harder time finding ways to sell their products. LSU AgCenter ag economist Dr. John Westra says the website MarketMaker can help. (Runtime: 1:15)
(Radio News 08/16/10) Farmers in several southern states have been battling weeds that are resistant to the popular herbicide glyphosate, and LSU AgCenter weed scientist Dr. Daniel Stephenson suspects that the problem has reached Louisiana. (Runtime: 1:20)
(Radio News 08/02/10) While the crop looks good, with later-planted cotton comes risk. The probability of storms becomes greater later into the harvest season. Diseases and insects also are more of a threat the longer the crop stays in the field. Runtime: 1:15)
(Radio News 08/02/10) Cotton acreage had dropped considerably over the past few years, but LSU AgCenter cotton specialist Dr. John Kruse says the acreage is finally stabilizing. Some of the state's cotton was planted later than recommended and could face more disease and insect problems. (Runtime: 1:10)
(Radio News 08/09/10) Louisiana’s corn crop is nearing harvest. LSU AgCenter corn specialist Dr. John Kruse says the condition of the crop depends on whether or not it was irrigated. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Radio News 8/09/10) Rain has been scarce in areas of northeast Louisiana. Dr. Donnie Miller, research director of the LSU AgCenter Northeast Research Station, says the area went weeks without a significant rainfall and the dry weather affected some of the station's research projects. (Runtime: 1:10)
(Radio 08/09/10) An LSU AgCenter weed scientist says herbicide drift is a problem on some farms. Dr. Donnie Miller, who also is the Northeast Research Station director, says drift has become more of a problem with soybeans planted adjacent to rice fields. (Runtime: 1:10)
(TV News 08/23/10) Herbicide-resistant weeds have been a problem for farmers in other states for several years. Now it appears the problem may be in Louisiana. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story. (Runtime: 1:44)