(Audio 11/09/09) Perennials are great for landscapes because they require less time and effort than annual plants. These plants still require some maintenance, and now is a great time to do this. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/09/09) If you are thinking about adding brilliant color to your fall landscape, chrysanthemums would be a great choice. Nurseries are full of wonderful chrysanthemums during the fall. Listen to how you can buy, plant and care for these colorful fall flowers in these Get It Growing tips from LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/02/09) Chrysanthemums are known as the queens of the fall garden. They provide landscapes with a wide range of beautiful colors. Here are some pointers for purchasing and planting chrysanthemums. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/30/09) Our mild winters allow insects to be a potential problem all year long. This is a good time to monitor your plants and keep an eye out for pests such as aphids. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/02/09) Irrigating landscapes may still be necessary during the fall, especially for newly established plants. Even though the weather is becoming cooler, it can still be fairly dry. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/16/09) Ryegrass is a wonderful alternative to having a brown lawn this time of the year, and it only requires minimal maintenance. Because it is a temporary cool-season grass, it is possible to over-seed your permanent grass with either perennial or annual ryegrass. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/23/09) Louisiana gardeners can grow a wide variety of fruit. Now is a great time to plant fruit and nut trees to allow time for establishment. Learn more about the many kinds of fruit trees that can be grown successfully in Louisiana. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/23/09) While many vegetables often appear untamed in the garden, many winter vegetables tend to be wonderfully neat and attractive. Add some beauty to your garden by planting ornamental vegetables for the cool season. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/02/09) Louisiana can begin to experience freezing temperatures anywhere from late fall to early winter, so it is important to start preparing yards for the impending frosts. Now is the time to survey landscapes to determine what is in need of winter protection. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(For Release On Or After 11/06/09) Hedges can create privacy, block unwanted views, screen out noise and serve other important roles in our landscape. If you’re considering planting a new hedge or replacing a lost one, now is a great time to get it done.
(Audio 11/02/09) Scale insects are a nuisance on ornamentals, and they are especially difficult to control. Using oil sprays is an effective way to manage scale insects. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/16/09) For spring-flowering bulbs to bloom in the spring, they must be planted during the fall. Keep in mind that some spring-flowering bulbs, such as tulips and hyacinths, require special preparation. Find out more about how to plant and prepare spring-flowering bulbs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Video 11/16/09) Believe it or not, fall is a great time to plant certain roses. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains what to look for at the nursery now and where to put these beautiful and durable plants. (Runtime: 1:27)
(Audio 11/09/09) During the fall and winter, many trees begin to shed their foliage. Instead of ignoring fallen leaves from shade trees, learn ways you can remove them to avoid damage to your lawn and benefit your landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Video 11/09/09) The orchid family is one of the largest groups of flowering plants in the world. In this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains the two most common types of orchids grown in Louisiana, as well as some tips for their proper care. (Runtime: 1:41)
(For Release On Or After 11/13/09) This is the time of year to plant cool-season bedding plants in your flowerbeds. These plants will thrive in the cool to cold weather of fall to spring and keep your flowerbeds looking attractive.
(Audio 11/16/09) Many gardeners neglect their gardens during the winter, disregarding the wonderful array of cool-season bedding plants available. These flowering plants enjoy chilly weather, but they also will flourish during the spring. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/30/09) Leaves are valuable in the garden as mulch or compost. Composting doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. Use fencing to make your bin and follow these instructions. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/23/09) Not only is broccoli one of the most nutritious vegetables we can grow, it is also one of the easiest to grow. Gardeners who planted broccoli in September should be seeing some ready to be harvested. Find out what to look for when harvesting broccoli. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/23/09) Summer-flowering bulbs are native to warm climates, so they thrive in Louisiana due to the long, hot summer. However, these bulbs will usually go dormant during the winter. Learn how to care for these summer-flowering bulbs during wintertime. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/09/09) There are many vegetables that will flourish during the winter in Louisiana. These vegetables not only are some of the most delicious and nutritious, but they also are some of the easiest to grow. Learn about the best cool-season vegetables to keep your vegetable garden thriving throughout the winter. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/16/09) Lettuce is a terrific cool-season vegetable and can be grown this time of the year. Gardeners should consider growing fresh lettuce to provide delicious nutrition in salads. Hear about which types of lettuce grow well in Louisiana gardens. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(For Release On Or After 11/27/09) A variety of spring-flowering bulbs can be grown in containers for indoor display. Two bulbs, paperwhites and amaryllis, do not need much special treatment and are very easy to grow in pots. Most of the other spring-flowering bulbs need a cold treatment first, but otherwise it’s pretty straightforward.
(Audio 11/16/09) The most common pest on camellias is known as tea scale. These insects cause the yellow blotches found on some leaves, and they also can cause the camellia to bloom improperly. Prevent a scale infestation by spraying camellias with horticultural oils. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/23/09) Even though amaryllis bulbs become available in the fall, this is not the time to plant them in your landscape. Grow these beautiful, massive flowers indoors this winter. Discover more about amaryllis. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 11/02/09) Although most gardeners consider raking a chore, the leaves that fall during the autumn months can serve a purpose. They make wonderful organic matter when used as mulch or in compost. Learn how these materials can be used for improving gardening efforts. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio11/09/09) Many broadleaf evergreen shrubs and trees are popular in Louisiana landscapes. Even though they are considered evergreen, some of these trees may lose a fraction of their foliage during the winter. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(For Release On Or After 11/20/09) Gardens are full of plant materials that can add unique beauty to your holiday decorations. Be on the lookout for attractive foliage, bright berries, decorative cones or pods, and consider other landscape materials that can be dried and brought in for the holidays.