LSU AgCenter administrator honored

David Morrison, Merrill, Thomas A., Boethel, David J.

News Release Distributed 05/13/09

LSU AgCenter Assistant Vice Chancellor David Morrison recently received the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors Excellence in Leadership Award.

The award was presented in mid-April during the association’s meeting in Puerto Rico. It recognizes those who have served “with exemplary distinction” in the research branches of the national land-grant university system and “have personified the highest level of excellence.”

Morrison, who currently serves as assistant director of the LSU AgCenter’s research branch, the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, has posted a 29-year career with the LSU AgCenter and is a noted animal scientist and beef cattle expert in addition to his administrative duties.

In supporting the nomination of Morrison for this award, LSU AgCenter Vice Chancellor and Experiment Station Director David Boethel and a variety of other colleagues cited Morrison’s leadership in the LSU AgCenter, as well for the Southern Association and a variety of multistate research efforts.

“Over the past decade, his record of service in agricultural administration not only to the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station but to the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors has been outstanding,” Boethel said, adding, “He is most deserving of recognition for his efforts.

“We have honored several outstanding administrators since the inception of the Excellence in Leadership Award, and I believe Dr. Morrison deserves to be in their company.”

Through the years, Morrison served 15 years as an animal science researcher and professor, two-and-a-half years as resident director of the LSU AgCenter’s Rosepine Research Station and more than 11 years in various administrative capacities in the AgCenter’s Experiment Station headquarters in Baton Rouge.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Mississippi State University, a master’s from Kansas State University and a doctoral degree from LSU.


David Morrison
David Boethel
Tom Merrill

5/14/2009 1:21:41 AM
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