LSU AgCenter housing expert says don’t forget a few easier steps to protect your home

Claudette H. Reichel, Merrill, Thomas A.

News Release Distributed 05/22/08

LSU AgCenter housing specialist Dr. Claudette Reichel says not to forget the relatively easy steps you can take to protect your home from hurricane damage.

“Although changes like structural reinforcements, installing hurricane shutters or replacing windows with impact-resistant glass require more time, money and planning, there are some things you can do at a lower cost and with less effort,” Reichel advises.

Pointing out that the biggest risk to homes away from the coast if flying debris, Reichel says picking up items from your yard if a storm approaches is a good first step.

“Hurricane winds can turn loose items into missiles that cause damage or injury to anything or anyone they strike,” Reichel says. “If a limb or a lawn chair propelled by 100-mile-per-hour winds break a window or smash through your roof, the damage then is complicated by rain and wind that rush into your home.

“The damage that follows sometimes is even more devastating,” she adds.

Reichel offers these tips for preparations you can complete yourself to protect your home:

– Make a list of items to bring inside in the event of a storm. Then use that checklist to help you remember anything that can be broken or picked up by strong winds, and make sure those items are brought inside or secured before a storm hits.

– Check your yard for debris, and keep it picked up. Hurricane winds can pick up anything that’s not secured, and even trash and debris can cause damage to things they hit.

– Keep trees and shrubbery trimmed. Make trees more wind resistant by removing diseased or damaged limbs. Also, strategically remove branches so wind can blow through. You may need the help of a license arborist to complete big jobs, and it’s important these chores are done well in advance of a storm, so you don’t have piles of debris or trimmings lying around.

– Clear clogged rain gutters and downspouts, and make sure none of them are loose. Hurricanes often bring long periods of heavy rain. Providing clear drainage will help prevent flooding that could result if water can’t run off.

– If you don’t have impact-rated hurricane shutters, cut half-inch-thick plywood panels to span each opening (well in advance, if possible), buy long mounting screws or specialty hardware and drill the mounting holes into framing (not just in trim or brick veneer) in advance, so you can cover the windows and doors quickly. Be sure to mark which board fits which window to save time, too.

– Keep in mind that tape does not prevent windows from breaking. Taping windows is not recommended and really can just take critical time from more effective preparedness measures. The only thing tape might do is to help reduce the scattering of broken glass.

Reichel also stresses that it’s important to buy the supplies you’ll need well ahead of time.

“Well ahead of time, buy the items you’ll need to board up windows, tie things down and take other measures to protect your home,” she says. “When a hurricane threatens, supplies are quickly sold out at many stores – and the stock generally may not be replenished until after the storm.”

To learn more about preparing for storms and other topics related to home and family life, as well as a variety of other topics, visit

You also can learn much more about LaHouse – the LSU AgCenter’s demonstration home and resource center showcasing hurricane-resistant construction, retrofits for homes and a variety of “green” and healthy features – at The grand opening for that facility is slated for July 15.


Contact: Claudette Reichel at (225) 578-4440 or
Writer: Tom Merrill at (225) 578-2263 or

5/23/2008 12:25:48 AM
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