Annrose M. Guarino, Merrill, Thomas A.
The LSU AgCenter is one of a coalition of Baton Rouge-area groups sponsoring a Hunger Awareness Day event in the state’s capitol city June 6.
Known as HUNGER (which stands for Helping Under-nourished Neighbors Get Essential Resources), the coalition members include the LSU AgCenter, Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank, Forum 35 and Southern University Agricultural Center.
The group will host a National Hunger Awareness Day conference to address the changing need for food assistance in Louisiana since the devastating impact of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
The events will take place from 9 a.m. until noon June 6 at the Baton Rouge River Center. Keynote speakers include Adren Wilson, the assistant secretary for the Louisiana Department of Social Services in charge of its Office of Family Support, and Steve Savage, director of the Office of Communications and Governmental Affairs for the Food and Nutrition Service Division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
"The theme for the conference is ‘Giving a Hand-Up: Hunger in Louisiana in a Post Katrina and Rita Environment,’" said LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Annrose Guarino. "Educators, federal officials, state and community leaders, representatives of nonprofit organizations and the local media are invited to join in the discussion."
Among the issues to be covered are changes in hunger in Louisiana’s post-disaster environment, ways to address hunger in Louisiana and a call for leaders to take action and help provide a "hand up."
Contact: Annrose Guarino at (225) 578-4475 or
Writer: Tom Merrill at (225) 578-5896 or
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture