The LSU AgCenter offers a variety of publications, workshops, classes and events. Visit our online store for more information.
(10/27/23) You can grow a wide range of vegetables, flowers and other plants this time of year.
(01/13/23) Now is the time to take care of weeds in the lawn.
(03/11/22) Fertilizer prices are skyrocketing. Try alternative ways of providing nutrients to your garden.
(04/09/21) Flowers are perfect for adding attractive blooms to our landscapes and gardens. They attract both humans and pollinators.
Mulching is one of the most basic and essential tasks of gardening. Mulch provides many benefits.
(01/01/21) This time of year is a great time to get outside and get things done in the garden.
(12/25/20) Crape myrtles are one of the most controversial and often-discussed ornamental plants. How did it become such a hot topic?
(12/18/20)The thought of Japanese maples brings an air of tranquility and visual thoughts of an Oriental garden.
(12/11/20) Here are some pointers to keep your live holiday plants looking beautiful for the remainder of the season.
(12/04/20) As we wrap up the year, we have many things to do to prepare for winter and spring.
(11/27/20) And many types of beautiful plant materials are available to work with this time of year to spruce up and decorate your home for the season.
(11/20/20) Mid- to late November is the best time for buying daffodil, snowdrop, tulip, narcissus, hyacinth and crocus bulbs to allow them enough chilling.
(11/13/20) If you enjoy a tropical look to your landscape, palm trees can provide it.
(11/06/20) Ornamental grasses are commonly used plants in many home and commercial landscapes.
(10/30/20) Surprise! There was a hurricane, and these lilies might be telling you about the weather.
(10/23/20) Second to sod webworms, common lespedeza is winning the lawn headache contest right now.
(10/16/20) There’s a great deal of work to be done after a storm.
(10/09/20) Insects, including bees, butterflies, caterpillars and moths, are in full force this fall.
(01/02/20) One thing you should be harvesting this time of year is your caladium bulbs for planting again next year.
(09/25/20) There are so many things we can do in the garden this time of year. Fall is a great time to work in the landscape.
(09/18/20) LSU AgCenter offices across the state are getting call after call as lawn after lawn is experiencing devastating loss of turfgrass.
(09/11/20) Why not honor breast cancer patients and survivors by going pink in your flower beds and getting a head start this month?
(09/04/20) This year we celebrate by adding two true native woody plants: American beautyberry and our state tree, bald cypress.
(08/28/20) During the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, many people had more time on their hands.
(08/21/20) Your trees may still have green figs that just won’t seem to ripen, and that can be for many reasons.
(08/14/20) Crape myrtle bark scale is an introduced insect pest from Asia, and it has great affinity for crape myrtle trees. The problem often goes unnoticed.
(08/07/20) It’s August in Louisiana, and we don’t recommend doing much in the garden or, shall we say, not much in this heat.
(07/31/20) Thanks to plants and the sun, we as humans can eat, breathe and live. Ultimately, our survival depends on them.
(07/24/20) Summertime is the best time to just sit back and enjoy your garden. And while you’re at it, you can start thinking about fall gardening.
(07/17/20) Does your lantana have yellowed leaves or brown spots? Is it pale and sickly looking with no flowers? The likely culprit is lace bugs.
(07/10/20) As a homeowner, you can make water-wise landscaping decisions.
(07/03/20) July can be a tough month in Louisiana due to heat, high humidity, and increased disease and insect pressure.
(06/26/20) Growing plants in containers can be very convenient. For one thing, it makes your plants portable.
(06/19/20) During this time when folks are still cautiously quarantining, you can create a tranquil oasis of your own.
(06/12/20) June 22 through 28 is National Pollinator Week, and the focus is “Pollinators, Plants, People, Planet,” according to
(06/05/20) I’ve been getting a great deal of questions about tomatoes lately. ‘Tis the season.
(05/29/20) Growing vegetables from your own seeds is probably one of the most fulfilling achievements of vegetable gardening.
(05/22/20) The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season will begin on June 1 and now is the time to prepare your yard, gardens and landscapes for bad weather.
(05/15/20) Chaste tree, also known as vitex, is simple in ease of care but is far from being plain.
(05/08/20) You can create a gorgeous arrangement for your home or someone special with just a few items.
(05/01/20) Blackberries are shiny, black fruit bursting with sweet juice.
(04/24/20) Fire ants can be a formidable foe in the garden and landscape. They come with a one-two punch for sure.
(04/17/20) Gardening and the tasks involved with gardening can be a great way to get your family outside and engaged in some great crafts.
(04/10/20) During this unprecedented time of the coronavirus, an exceptional increase in the number of first-time gardeners can be seen across Louisiana.
(04/03/20) If you want to add a splash of spicy color and unique foliage to your yard this spring, look no further.
(03/27/20) Gardening activities are an excellent source of physical exercise, and vegetable gardens can supply nutritious food.
(03/20/20) Two species of fringe trees are most often seen in the landscape throughout the U.S.: the American fringe tree and Chinese fringe tree.
(03/13/20) Red buckeyes produce brilliant red flowers in upright clusters of dark-red tubular flowers.
(03/06/20) Ball moss is not a parasite. It does not typically harm host plants unless the moss completely covers the majority of surfaces.
(02/21/20) It’s that time of year. The deciduous trees are putting on their leaves. Spring-blooming bulbs, trees and shrubs are starting to come to life.
(02/28//20) Live oaks have a strong history in the Gulf South.
(02/14/20) It’s Valentine’s Day, and nothing says I love you more than flowers, right? And I’m here to suggest giving a live plant.
(02/07/20) Could something that appears so dainty and elegant actually do well in a landscape in Louisiana? The answer is, of course, why not?
(01/31/20) Japanese magnolias are in bloom everywhere right now, possibly signifying an early spring. It’s one of the most strikingly beautiful blooming trees.
(01/24/20) Nothing completes a great recipe better than fresh herbs straight from your garden.
(01/17/20) Growing indoor plants is a great way to bring the wonder of the outdoors inside.
(01/10/20) Most folks don’t realize that tea comes from a camellia. Yes, that’s right. Camellia sinensis is the plant.
(11/29/19)You have several options of what to do with leaf litter. Some are good, and some are not so good.
(01/03/20) There was a time in my life when I thought a colorful winter garden did not exist. I was so wrong.
(12/20/19) Loquat trees are in full bloom right now, and the penetrating fragrance has called the bees out on warm days.
(12/27/19) Winter is the best time for planting trees, and pecans are no exception.
(12/13/19) The winter months provide us an opportunity to focus on landscape planning, planting and maintenance.
(12/06/19) You can create an evergreen wreath or swag with a few inexpensive floral materials and plant cuttings from the landscape.
(11/22/19) Poinsettias are one of the most popular winter and Christmastime plants. They can be found this time of year in all sorts of retail outlets.
(11/15/19) To prepare our plants for freezing weather, we first turn our attention to tropical and subtropical plants that have tender herbaceous foliage.
(11/08/19) We often associate spring with flowers, but take a look all around you. Fall feels like a second springtime to me.
(11/01/19) It’s satsuma time in Louisiana. Some early varieties began ripening in late September while other varieties will mature later.
(10/25/19) Persimmons, in my humble opinion, are highly underrated fruit.
(10/18/19) Chrysanthemums, commonly known as mums, go with autumn like pumpkin spice to your latte and candy corn to your trick or treat.
(10/11/19) Boxwood has been used extensively in formal gardens for centuries to create lines and shapes and as a frame that leads the garden visitor.
(10/04/19) The plants don’t lie. We see signs everywhere that our plants are suffering.
(09/27/19) The LSU AgCenter has selected Jolt dianthus (Dianthus barbatus interspecific) as a 2019 fall Louisiana Super Plant.
(09/20/19) Olive trees (Olea europaea) are some of the oldest trees cultivated by humans, having been grown as early as 2500 B.C. in Crete.
(09/13/19) Your plant is not dead, but by the looks of it, it may not be among the living for long. How do you tell what’s going on?
(09/0619) This week, we will take a look at how to determine what’s going on when plants look fatally ill or are dead.
(08/30/19) Have you ever seen a plant in the landscape or garden that you thought was supposed to be green but wasn’t?
(08/23/19) A plant with a rich history, American beautyberry can be found growing in low, rich bottomlands, swamp edges, piney woods and coastal woodlands.
(08/16/19) Chinch bug damage can be easily mistaken for lack of water and overall heat-stressed turf.
(08/09/19) Growing flowers in shaded areas can be difficult. But if you’re up for the challenge, you can do it.
(08/02/19) It’s August. Here are some things you should be doing this month in the garden.
(07/26/19) One thing I get really excited about is the hope of cooler weather and fall plants.
(07/19/19) Weeds can actually tell you a lot about what is going in the yard and the quality of your soil.
(07/12/19) Do you have trouble with grass underneath large shade trees in your landscape? Or no grass at all?
(07/05/19) With little effort, some space in the yard and plenty of sunshine, anyone can grow trees that will produce nutritious figs every July.
(06/28/19) A great way to minimize your landscape inputs while maximizing your garden’s outputs is to use plants that are edible.
(06/21/19) How do we get our plants through this hot summer, especially in extended periods of drought followed by downpours?
(06/14/19) Are your squash, cucumbers or watermelon plants not producing fruit this summer?
(06/07/19) Distylium is a native of China and a member of the witch hazel family.
(05/31/19) Yaupon holly is probably best known these days for its use as an ornamental evergreen in the landscape.
(05/24/19) Grab a bucket. The blueberries are ready to pick.
(05/17/19) What hits harder than Serena Williams on a hot summer day? Well, that’s easy. It’s Serena series angelonia.
(05/10/19) The LSU AgCenter has selected Lime Sizzler firebush (Hamelia patens Grelmsiz) as one of the 2019 Louisiana Super Plants.
(05/03/19) Pollinator gardens are all the buzz right now.
(04/26/19) Nothing describes the iconic Southern magnolia better than its given scientific name Magnolia grandiflora.
(04/19/19) Ressurection ferns and Peggy Martin roses are signs of life from apparent destruction.
Spring is peak pollination season, causing a headache for allergy sufferers — literally. The main culprits right now are annual winter grasses, weeds and oaks.
(03/29/19) One way to add to the beauty of the landscape and increase the value of your property is to create landscape beds.
Welcome spring! In the Louisiana landscape, nothing heralds the first official day of the season like the azalea and its grandiose flowers.
(03/15/19) If you’re looking for both an attractive and a low-maintenance plant for your home garden or landscape this year, then you should try lemon sedum.