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(Audio 07/15/2016) No matter how well you weed your garden, you are always going to need to weed it again.
(Audio 07/14/16) Despite the intense heat of Louisiana summers, there are plenty of heat-tolerant plants that can be added to your garden this season.
(Audio 07/13/16) Caladiums are an extremely popular bedding plant here in Louisiana.
(Audio 07/12/16) Too much shade in your landscape may be preventing grass from growing in certain areas.
(Audio 07/11/16) Leaf miners are insects that can cause damage to a wide variety of plants such as flowers, vegetables plants, and fruit trees.
(Audio 05/27/16) When selecting palms trees to plant in your landscape, it is very important to pay attention to their hardiness.
(Audio 05/30/16) The best part about homegrown tomatoes is being able to let them vine ripen.
(Audio 05/31/16) During the summer it is very important to mow our lawns regularly.
(Audio 06/01/16) There are several great vegetables to plant right now that will be able to withstand the summer heat.
(Audio 06/02/16) June marks the beginning of hurricane season; make sure your trees aren't a risk.
(Audio 06/03/16) Take advantage of grass clippings and other organic waste this summer.
(Audio 05/26/15) Although our favorite leafy greens tend to grow best in the winter, there are some alternatives to these plants that grow in the summer.
(Audio 05/25/16) The leading disease of roses in Louisiana is black spot.
(Audio 05/23/16) Blackberries should begin to ripen this month.
(Audio 05/19/16) Angelonia is an excellent summer bedding plant for Louisiana gardens.
(Audio 05/16/16) Now is the time to plant summer-flowering bulbs in your garden.
(Audio 05/18/16) Evolution violet salvia, a species of mealycup sage, is a beautiful Texas native plant that produces unique purple flowers.
(Audio 05/17/16) If you're one of many gardeners who grows plants in containers, keep in mind that those containers need to be cleaned occasionally.
(Audio 04/11/16) Learn how to control insect and pest problems in the spring.
(Audio 05/02/16) If you're worried about weeds in your lawn, now is the time to apply weed killers before temperatures get too high.
(Audio 05/02/16) Tomatoes, an extremely popular plant in home vegetable gardens, are susceptible to diseases that affect both their foliage and their fruit.
(Audio 05/02/16) If you're thinking about planting a new lawn this season, you might want to consider using solid sod.
(Audio 05/02/16) If you want to add roses to your garden, it's still not too late.
(Audio 05/02/16) Now is the time to start thinking about planting heat-tolerant vegetables in your garden.
(Audio 04/15/16) Learn about applying mulch to freshly planted beds.
(Audio 04/14/16) Listen for information on how to move indoor plants outdoor for exposure and rejuvenation.
(Audio 04/13/16) Learn how to accurately attended to your container plants.
(Audio 12/5/05) With our mild winters, there usually is something we can do in our gardens all year. When planting, pruning and routine chores slow down in the winter, there are other chores gardeners can do.
(Audio 10/19/15) Now is a great time to add some hardy shrubs to your landscape. Consider planting such as roses, camellias, or azaleas. Listen for more information on planting hardy shrubs in your landscape this fall. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 10/19/15) Once caladiums have gone dormant, digging up their tubers and storing them over the winter can help ensure that they last their longest. Although it is possible for these tubers to survive in the ground, storing them provides a better chance of survival. Listen for more information on storing caladium tubers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 10/19/15) Although hydrangeas are deciduous, Louisiana gardeners love to use these plants because of their unique ability to change colors. Depending on the composition of the soil, these flowers can be anywhere from pink to blue. Listen for more information on colorful hydrangeas. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 10/05/15) If you look around, you can easily find natural decorations that can be used around your house from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Leaves, seed pods and grass plumes are just a few nature-made decorations that can be used this cool season. Listen for more information on using natural decorations. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 10/5/15) Drift roses, a Louisiana Super Plant selection for fall 2013, are nice low-growing and compact plants. They come in a variety of colors and are practically covered in flowers when they bloom. Listen for more information on planting Drift roses in your garden. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 10/05/15) Perennials are great plants that keep coming back and growing year after year. Although most of these plants are done blooming right now, don't remove them from your garden because they will come back next year. Listen for more information on growing perennials in your garden. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 10/05/15) Although lawn growth is beginning to slow down, the spread of disease is not. Watch your lawn for signs of brown patch, especially if your grass is St. Augustine. Listen for more information on how to treat brown patch in your lawn. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 10/05/15) October is the time to focus on cool-season vegetables. Cole crops such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage can be planted from transplants. Other crops such as radish, carrots, turnip greens and lettuce and be planted directly from seeds. Listen for more information on cool-season vegetables. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/28/15) There has been growing concern over the decreasing number of monarch butterflies over the past few years. We can do our part to help by planting nectar plants to provide nourishment for these butterflies on their long journey to Mexico. Listen for more information on helping the monarch butterfly population. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/28/15) If you need to plant or repair your lawn, you should do that within the next few weeks. Don't forget to cut away dead areas when repairing and properly grade the soil when planting. Listen for more information on repairing and planting lawns. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/28/15) Although it's difficult to predict rainfall, it's reasonable to assume that October will be a relatively dry month. With this in mind, pay special attention to watering anything that has been newly-planted. Listen for more information on keeping plants healthy and watered in October. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/28/15) According to NASA, indoor houseplants can help clean the air circulating in your house. Plants such as indoor ivy, spider plants, and peace lilies are some of the most effective agents in cleaning household air. Listen for more information on adding houseplants to improve your air. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/28/15) Tropical hibiscuses are beautiful summer-flowering shrubs that come with a couple problems. This tropical plant is vulnerable to cold weather and bud drop. Listen for information on how to ensure that your tropical hibiscuses flourish this year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/21/15) This time of year is still a good time to evaluate if and where you need shade trees in your landscape. Try to plant these trees to the south, west, or southwest in order to receive optimal shade. Listen for more information on planting shade trees in your landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/21/15) October is the perfect time to think about adding garlic to your garden. Although it may take a while for this plant to produce, it is extremely easy to grow. Listen for more information on planting and growing garlic. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/21/15) Over the years, Louisiana irises will get crowded, which may cause flowers to diminish. This problem can be solved by dividing your irises. Listen for more instructions on separating and cultivating Louisiana irises. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/21/15) Despite the fact that azaleas are relatively pest free, azalea lace bugs are the most common problem for these plants. These pests cover azalea foliage in white specks until they look faded or tan. Listen for more information on azalea lace bugs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/21/15) Now is a good time to evaluate your garden beds in order to decide which plants you would and would not like to use in the following years. Taking pictures and writing notes are just two methods of assessing your beds. Listen for more information on evaluation of garden beds. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/14/15) If you placed plants in pots earlier this summer, it's extremely likely that they have become root-bound. Check your potted plants and move root-bound plants into larger containers with fresh soil. Listen for more information on repotting plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/14/15) Instead of wasting all of the organic matter that your landscape produces, try creating a compost pile out of things like grass clippings and fallen leaves. After leaving compost sitting for a year, it should be ready to use in your landscape. Listen for more information on creating a compost pile. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/14/15) Don't forget that you can reuse caladiums in your landscape next year in the spring. This can prevent you from having to spend money again next year on decorative landscape plants. Listen for instructions on conserving your caladiums for next year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/14/15) Although you may associate azaleas with spring, many varieties also produce flowers in the fall. Try adding Encore or Fashion azaleas to your landscape for fall color. Listen for more information on fall-blooming azaleas. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/14/15) As fall approaches, it is not uncommon for rain and humidity to decrease. As a result, September and October can be particularly dry months. It's important to pay attention to watering your plants during this time. Listen for more information on maintaining moisture in your landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/07/15) Although our lawns have been through a great deal this year due to extreme heat and chinch bugs, September is not the right time to apply nitrogen fertilizers. Instead of fertilizing, try focusing on weed control as the weather cools. Listen for more information on lawn care in the cool-season. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/07/15) If there are any plants in your landscape that need pruning, it's important to do that as soon as possible. However, the time to prune may have already passed for some plants. Listen for more information on pruning before the cool weather hits. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/07/15) It's about time to start pulling out the tired, old warm-season plants from your garden and replacing them with fresh new cool-season plants. Be sure to prepare your beds by replenishing the organic matter and fertilizer. Listen for more information on preparing for cool-season plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/07/15) With fall and winter just around the corner, it is important to allow hardy landscape plants to slow down naturally this time of year. As a result, gardeners must avoid fertilizing plants, with the exception of vegetables and bedding plants. Listen for more information on fall fertilizing. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 09/07/15) Mulches play an important role in gardening here in Louisiana. They provide weed control, conserve moisture, and add to the attractiveness of our landscapes. Listen for more information on mulching. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/31/15) At this point in the year, you should be seeing clusters of growth at the end of your pecan tree branches. Depending on what your crop looked like last year, your tree will either produce a larger or a small crop this year. Listen for more information on pecan trees and growth. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/31/15) Due to the long and mild fall in Louisiana, a variety of warm- and cool-season vegetables can be planted in your garden in September. Try planting tomatoes and peppers or cool-season vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage. Listen for more information on growing vegetables this fall. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/31/15) Although excessive rain can cause mushrooms to appear in your lawn, you shouldn't be concerned. If you are worried that your mushrooms may be poisonous or you just don't like how they look, you can pick them or run them over with your mower. Listen for more information on mushrooms in your lawn. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/31/15) For most Louisianians, shallots and green onions are synonymous. Stop by your local nursery to purchase bunching onion or shallot sets to plant in your garden. Listen for more information on growing and harvesting green onions. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/31/15) If you're a gardener, it is important to take measures to protect yourself against mosquitoes. Apply insect repellent or wear protective clothing to ensure safety from bites. Listen for more information on repelling mosquitoes. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/24/15) Cannas and gingers are both plants that bloom in the summer. These plants produce stalks that need to be pruned once they've produced flowers that have faded. Listen for more information on pruning cannas and gingers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/24/15) August is the latest time of the year that you should fertilize your lawn. Fertilizing later than this can increase risk of diseases and decrease hardiness. Listen for more information on lawn fertilization. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/24/15) By late August or early September it will be time to prune your roses. Most roses should be cut back by about one-third and fertilized in order for vigorous growth to occur during the blooming periods. Listen for more information on pruning roses. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/24/15) If you'd like to manage grass clippings, there are a couple of options. Mowing frequently or using a mulching lawn mower can allow the grass clippings to compost and return nutrients to the soil. Or you can bag the clippings and compost them elsewhere. Listen for more information on managing grass clippings. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/24/15) If you're planning on planting palms in your landscape, summer is the best time to do it. If your palms from last year died of freeze, try choosing a hardier palm this year. Listen for more information on planting palm trees in the summertime. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/17/15) Ferns are great plants for growing in the shade, which makes their maintenance much more appealing in the summer. Prune, mulch, water and fertilize these plants to encourage late summer growth. Listen for more information on fern maintenance. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/17/15) Pears are on of the most popular backyard fruits in Louisiana. Watch for ripening of the fruit by observing changes in color and firmness. Listen for more information on harvesting pears. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/17/15) Butterfly weed is great for attracting butterflies in our landscapes. This plant is also crucial in restoring monarch butterfly populations. Listen for more information on the advantages of butterfly weed. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/17/15) Since Louisiana irises are dormant in the summer, now is a great time to transplant these plants. Transplanting can allow you to divide your clumps and give your irises more room to grow. Listen for more information on transplanting Louisiana irises. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/17/15) When your potted plants become too large for their containers, it's time to repot. Moving plants into a larger container can prevent health issues and encourage root growth. Listen for more information on repotting plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/14/15) Mulching trees during the first five years after being planted really helps with healthy growth and development. It is also important to pay attention to how you apply the mulch. Listen for more information on mulching young trees. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/13/15) If your eggplant and bell pepper plants look like they're still in good shape, leave them in your garden to produce a second crop in the fall. If they're in bad shape, try planting fresh new transplants. Listen for more information on growing eggplants and bell peppers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/12/15) Coleus is a beautiful plant whose foliage can add color to your garden. Stop by your local nursery to find a variety of coleus that suits your landscape. Listen for more information on these colorful plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/11/15) In Louisiana, it is possible to grow warm-season vegetables all the way until November. This allows us to plant a second crop of tomatoes in the summer. Listen for more information on growing fall tomatoes. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/10/15) Chinch bugs are pests that plague Louisiana summer lawns. These bugs can attack your lawn and cause it to appear brown and straw-like. Listen for information on controlling these lawn pests. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/03/15) Watering plants is extremely important this time of year. Make it a point to monitor container plants and walk your landscape in order to keep track of needed watering. Listen for more information on providing plants with necessary moisture. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/03/15) When late summer rolls around, spider mites and white flies begin to appear in larger numbers. Although both of these pests cause damage to plants, they are easily controlled with light horticultural oil sprays. Listen for more information on preventing damage from these pests. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/03/15) Due to a short winter and early spring, insects and pests have been particularly bad this summer. Insect pests have shown up earlier and sustained larger populations this year. Listen for information on controlling insect pests. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/03/15) With the long growing season we have in the summer, it's not uncommon for plants to become tall and overgrown. Early August is a great time to prune those plants to allow for more healthy and attractive growth. Listen for more information on pruning summer plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 08/03/15) There's a wide variety of vegetables that can be planted in August. Visit your local nursery for seeds of vegetables such as cucumbers, snap beans, and lima beans or transplants of tomatoes, bell peppers, and eggplants. Listen for more information on growing vegetables in August. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/27/15) By mid-to-late summer, several pests such as spider mites, white flies and scale insects have built up their population. Control white fly and scale insects using light horticultural oil sprays. Listen for more information on these summer pests. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/27/15) Because Louisiana has such a long autumn season, it's possible to grow thriving tomatoes in the fall. Be sure to plant your transplants by the end of July or beginning of August depending on your location. Listen for more information on fall tomato planting. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/27/15) Weeds, diseases, and insects run rampant in Louisiana landscapes in the summertime. The first and most important step to take is properly identifying these issues. Listen for more information on controlling and preventing summer pests. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/27/15) Chinch bugs are one of the most common lawn insect pests in Louisiana. They feed on your grass and cause dramatic damage. Listen for information on treating lawns that have been infected with chinch bugs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/27/15) Mosquitoes in Louisiana are most active during the prime summer gardening hours. Take steps to protect yourself from these pests by applying repellent and getting rid of standing water in your landscape. Listen for more information on preventing and reducing mosquito bites this summer. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/20/15) If you planted herbs in the spring, don't forget that they're out in your garden. You can easily go out and clip herbs to use for cooking. Listen for more information on harvesting herbs in the summer. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/20/15) Bark lice are insects that form a fine, silvery webbing along the bark of trees. Although these webs may look threatening, there is no need to worry about damage. Listen for more information on bark lice on trees. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/20/15) Web worms are caterpillars that form unattractive nests at the ends of branches, especially on pecan trees. To control these pests, use any insecticide labeled to control caterpillars. Listen for more information on web worms. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/20/15) Controlling weeds in different types of beds can be difficult. Some herbicides are okay to use around certain plants but are harmful to others. Listen for more information on weed control in garden beds. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/20/15) Some summer bedding plants, like petunias, don't tolerate the heat very well. When you notice plants in your summer garden fading, pull them out and replace them with plants such as periwinkle or salvia. Listen for more information on maintaining summer bedding plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/13/15) Blackberries are easily grown and highly productive plants in Louisiana landscapes. Summer is the perfect time to prune your blackberry plants. Listen for more information on pruning and maintaining blackberries. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/13/15) Although chrysanthemums don't bloom until the fall, pruning them before mid-July is crucial for producing flowers. Don't wait too late to prune your chrysanthemums or it may delay or prevent flowering. Listen for more information on the flowering habits of chrysanthemums. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/13/15) Although July is typically a dry month, afternoon showers can produce a significant amount of rain. Be sure to use rain gauges so that you know how much rain you are getting; this will allow you to irrigate properly. Listen for more information on summer irrigation. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/13/15) Caladiums are widely available, colorful plants that grow well in shady areas. Make sure you are properly caring for these plants during the summer by mulching and watering regularly. Listen for more information on these beautiful plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/13/15) Crape myrtles, the most popular summer flowering tree in Louisiana, bloom all the way from April to September. Despite setbacks such as excess rain and an outbreak leaf spot, crape myrtles in your landscape should remain healthy. Listen for more information on Louisiana crape myrtles. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/06/15) Ginger and canna are popular plants for creating a tropical look in our landscapes. Both of these plants produce clusters of flowers at the top of a shoot. Listen for information about caring for and maintaining these tropical plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/06/15) A crucial part of proper lawn care is making sure that your lawn mower blades remain sharp. Sharp blades can ensure that your grass receives a nice, clean cut. Listen for more information on maintaining the blades on your lawn mower. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/06/15) Now is a great time to apply a second round of fertilizer to your lawn. Fertilizing now will replenish the nitrogen that has been used up or washed away since spring. Listen for more information on fertilizing your summer lawn. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
(Audio 07/06/15) Properly timing the pruning of hydrangeas is critical to ensuring that they produce flowers. Make sure you prune hydrangeas early in the summer before they set their buds in July. Listen for more information on pruning hydrangeas. (Runtime: 60 seconds)