LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill provides expert advice on the issues you are seeing in your southern garden today
Read about Dan's solution for removing this from your yard.
Dan Gill responds to a question about a ponytail palm losing its fronds.
Dan Gill discusses when sweet olives are most fragrant.
Find out about the types of annual poppies we grow in our area and when to plant them and sweet peas.
Bad or Good Snail?. Tags: decollate snails, beneficial, lawn and garden, plants, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Oxalis Control. Tags: Oxalis, control, weeds, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Virginia Buttonweed. Tags: Virginia Buttonweed, control, treatment, weeds, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Meyer Lemon Tree Question. Tags: Meyer, lemons, trees, production, yield, citrus, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
ShiShi Gashira Camellia. Tags: ShiShi Gashira Camellia, camellias, Camellia hiemalis, brown bumps, edema, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Succulent Question. Tags: succulents, donkey ear kalanchoe, Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri, care, lawn and garden, plants, consumer horticulture, landscape, The Southern Garden
Vitex Tree. Tags: Vitex trees, leaf drop, spots, leafs, leaves, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, plants, The Southern Garden
Caladium Candidum. Tags: Caladium Candidums, care, plants, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Camellia Leaf Drop. Tags: Camellia Leaf Drop, Lady Vansittart , lawn and garden, plants, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Pruning Satsuma Tree. Tags: Satsuma trees, pruning, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, plants, landscape, The Southern Garden
Cats in Vegetable Garden. Tags: Cats in Vegetable Garden, animal repellants, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Pruning Crape Myrtle Tree. Tags: crape myrtles, crepe, pruning, prune, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, trees, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Ailing Fig Tree. Tags: fig trees, fig rust, fungal diseases, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Fuzzy Oak Trees. Tags: fuzzy oak trees, pests, aphids, control, lawn and garden, The Southern Garden, plants, landscape, consumer horticulture,
Black Spots on Tomato Leaves. Tags: tomatoes, tomato, leaves, leafs, black spots, Septoria leaf spot, fungal diseases, treatment, control, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Lantana Flower Gall Mite. Tags: lantana flower gall mite, Aceria lantanae, damage, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar. Tags: hickory horned devil caterpillar, Citheronia regalis, insects, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Satsuma Tree. Tags: Satsuma tree, sick, problem, missing bark
Sweet Peas. Tags: sweet peas, seeds, planting, care, lawn and garden, plants, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Squirrels in Magnolia Tree. Tags: squirrels, magnolia trees, branches, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, trees, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Peace Lily Leaf Tips Are Brown. Tags: spathiphyllum, peace lily, brown leaf tips, leaves, causes, lawn and garden, plants, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Damaged Citrus Fruit. Tags: Damaged Citrus Fruit, bird damage, lawn and garden, trees, plants, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Confederate Jasmine . Tags: Confederate Jasmine, Trachelospermum jasminoides, blooms, blooming season, flowers, flowering, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Are These Sunflowers?. Tags: sunflowers, weedy plants, horseweed, Conyza Canadensis, dogfennel, Eupatorium capillaris, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Agapanthus. Tags: Agapanthus, Agapanthuses, drooping, yellow, leaf tips, leafs, leaves, plants, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Lawn Weeds. Tags: chamberbitters, Virginia buttonweed, weeds, control, lawn and garden, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Leaf Mystery. Tags: leaf-footed bug eggs, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, plants, landscape, The Southern Garden
Holly Disease. Tags: holly, hollies, Florida wax scale, insects, pests, control, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, shrubs, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Lawn Weed Problem. Tags: common lespedeza, weeds, control, lawn and garden, plants, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Landscaping With Nandinas . Tags: Nandinas, mahonia fortunei, Chinese mahonias, varieties, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, landscape, plants, The Southern Garden
Brown Spots on Euonymus Shrub. Tags: anthracnose, fungal disease, euonymus shrubs, control, brownish spots, lawn and garden, plants, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Purslane. Tags: purslane, control, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, plants, landscape, The Southern Garden
Bordered Plant Bug. Tags: bordered plant bugs, Largus, identify, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Parsley Worm Caterpillars. Tags: parsley worms, caterpillars, control, damage, lawn and garden, plants, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Pruning Blackberries. Tags: Pruning blackberries
Divide and Transplant an Agapanthus. Tags: agapanthus, divide and transplant
Lantana Bushes. Tags: lantana bushes, not blooming, leaves, brown
Caterpillars on my Rose Bushes. Tags: Caterpillars, rose bushes
Pecan tree struck by lightning. Tags: lightning strike, damage
Citrus Tree Fruit Dropping on Ground. Tags: Citrus tree fruit, blood naval, orange
Questions about Agapanthus and Fatsia . Tags: agapanthus, fatsia, leaf, black,
Live Oak and Crepe Myrtle Dropping Leaves. Tags: live oak, crepe myrtle, leaf drop
Sago Palms. Tags: sago palms, prune, pruning, cutting, lawn and garden, plants, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Sycamore Trees. Tags: Sycamore Trees, Sycamore ace bugs, sucking insects, caterpillars, pests, control, plants, lawn and garden, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
White Stuff on Plants. Tags: white stuff, mealybug infestation, dieffenbachia, plants, control, lawn and garden, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Gardenia Problems. Tags: gardenias, problems, barnacle-like growths, Florida wax scale insects, pests, black sooty mold, scale control, infestation, landscape, plants, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Amaranthus Plants. Tags: Amaranthus, amaranthuses, plants, lawn and garden, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Artillery Plant . Tags: artillery plant, artillery fern, Pilea microphylla, plants, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Citrus Rust Mite. Tags: citrus rust mite, lawn and garden, landscape, plants, trees, navels, oranges, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Citrus Tree. Tags: citrus, Satsuma, trees, damage, citrus leaf miner, control, landscape, plants, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Pencil Holly. Tags: Sky Pencil hollies, holly, Japanese holly, Ilex crenata, root rot, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Amaryllis Bulb Damage. Tags: Amaryllis Bulb Damage, amaryllises, insects, grasshoppers, pests, control, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Chamberbitter Weeds. Tags: Chamberbitter Weeds, gripe weed, Phyllanthus, chamberbitters, grass, lawn, weeds, control, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, landscape, The Southern Garden
Celebrity Tomatoes. Tags: celebrity, tomato, tomatoes, caterpillars, tomato fruit worms, insects, insecticides, control, spray, fruit, plants, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Rosemary Plant. Tags: rosemary, plants, insects, damage, control, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Lawn Discoloration. Tags: lawn, discoloration, turf, turfgrass, turfgrasses, grass, grasses, sod, lawn and garden, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Weeds in Flower Beds. Tags: weeds, flower beds, mulch, control, weeding, spray, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Recommended Flowers for Cutting. Tags: flowers, cutting, cuttings, varieties, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Knock Out Roses Pruning Schedule. Tags: Knock Out, roses, pruning, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
What is Growing in My Rosemary Plant?. Tags: rosemary plant, growths, mushrooms, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Calla Lily Never Bloomed. Tags: calla lily, lilies, care, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Leaves on Tomato Plants Drying Up. Tags: tomato, tomatoes, plants, fungal foliar diseases, leaves, leaf, leafs, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
White Oak Question. Tags: white oak, trees, damage, caterpillars, oak skeletonizer, Lepidoptera, slug sawfly larvae, scarlet oak sawfly, Hymenoptera, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Crape Myrtle Problem. Tags: Crape Myrtles, trees, Cercospora leaf spot, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Loquat Tree. Tags: loquat trees, flaking, gray outer bark, rusty inner bark, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Sweet Olive Tree. Tags: sweet olive, trees, brown leaves, leafs, Osmanthus leaf scorch disease, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Dallisgrass. Tags: Dallisgrass, weeds, turf, turfgrass, grasses, turf grasses, sod, control, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Problem with Ajuga Plants. Tags: ajuga, plants, crow rot, fungus, Sclerotium rolfsii, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Termites in Oak Tree. Tags: termites, oak trees, arborists, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Satsuma Tree Fruit Loss. Tags: Satsuma, trees, fruit drop, loss, plants, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Plant Questions. Tags: lime green sweet potato vines, ornamental sweet potato, Margarita, chartreuse foliage, Agapanthus, clumps, Azaleas, plants, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Bordered Plant Bugs. Tags: bordered plant bugs, Largus Bugs, Largus succinctus, insects, pine trees, plants, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Is This an Orchid?. Tags: orchids, Tigridia, Mexican shell flowers, iris family, bulbs, plants, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Issues With Vinca Plants and Crape Myrtle. Tags: vincas, plants, crape myrtles, crepe, root rot, Cercospora leaf spot, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Holes in Lunar Hibiscus Leaves. Tags: hibiscus, hibiscuses, leaves, leafs, holes, damage, mallow sawfly, spinosad, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Mulching Mower for St. Augustine. Tags: mulching mowers, mulch, St. Augustine, grass, grasses, turf, turf grass, turfgrasses, sod, lawn, lawn and garden, landscape, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Blood Orange Seeds. Tags: blood oranges, seeds, propagate, grafting, fruit trees, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Stink Bugs on Tomatoes. Tags: stink bugs, tomato, tomatoes, plants, control, fruits, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Webs on Oak Tree. Tags: bark lice, insects, webs, webbing, oak trees, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Caterpillars and Orchids. Tags: walnut caterpillars, orchids, insects, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Azaleas Showing Symptoms of Root Rot. Tags: azaleas, root rot, shrubs, roots, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Satsuma Tree. Tags: satsumas, trees, establish, young trees, production, crops, fruit, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Gardenia Issue. Tags: gardenias, trees and shrubs, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Satsuma Tree With Wooly Whitefly Infestation. Tags: Satsuma, trees, Wooly Whitefly Infestation, treatment, control, spray, horticultural oil, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Azalea Bush Did Not Bloom This Year. Tags: azaleas, freeze, freezes, spots, leaves, leaf, leafs, rain, plants, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Live Oak Tree. Tags: oak, live, trees, roots, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Tomato Plants. Tags: tomato plants, tomatoes, leaves, dying, diseases, fungal, yellowing, fungicides, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Japanese Maple. Tags: Japanese, maples, trees, damage, squirrels, landscape, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
No Satsumas This Year. Tags: satsumas, trees, crops, yield, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Cosmos Seeds. Tags: Cosmos Seeds, Cosmos bipinnatus, flowers, plants, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Calla Lilies. Tags: calla lilies, damage, care, lily, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Oak Tree Question. Tags: Oak, oaks, trees, prune, pruning, lichens, tree fertilizer, fertilizer spikes, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Crape Myrtle Trees are Losing Leaves. Tags: crape, crepe, myrtles, leaf drop, Cercospora leaf spot, diseases, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Caterpillars. Tags: caterpillars, infestation, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Tomato Skin is Split. Tags: tomato, tomatoes, splitting, fruit, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden
Pineapple Plant Question. Tags: pineapples, plants, fruit, slips, nubby things, lawn and garden, consumer horticulture, The Southern Garden