The LSU AgCenter Nutrition and Community Health agents are celebrating across the state by hosting classes and events.
Ancient peoples have used honey for medical purposes. Modern medicine uses a special grade of honey for treating wounds.
Many beekeepers know that honey is harmful to infants less than 12 months old, but they are unusually unaware of the reason.
Elisabet Trujillo has joined the LSU AgCenter team! When Elisabet is not at work, she resides in the Touro area caring for her rescue cats.
Grains foods are any foods are made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or any other cereal grain.
Join Layne Langley at the West Feliciana Parish Extension office to learn about managing diabetes through meal planning, label reading, and portion control.
Layne Langley, Area Nutrition Agent recently conducted a hypertension program "Break Up with Salt" where participants learned how to manage high blood pressure.
Feliciana Master Gardeners donate and deliver soil for raised beds at Bains Lower Elementary school gardens in St. Francisville, West Feliciana Parish.
LSU AgCenter brings nutrition programs to the Family Service Center in St. Francisville.
Are you pre-diabetic or have diabetes or maybe a caregiver to someone with diabetes, then you will want to sign up for Dining with Diabetes.
Area Nutrition Agent, Layne Langley, teaches nutrition programs to youth participating in the West Feliciana Parks & Rec Summer Camp this summer.
Youth in St. Francisville, West Feliciana Parish, learn how to choose healthy snacks and beverages during this nutrition workshop.
High School football players guide students in planting cucumber and squash plants and pumpkin seeds.
Members of the Healthy Communities Coalition met in Solitude to discuss the parklette projects and decide what projects they want to work on next.
Football players from West Feliciana Parish High School work to prepare two school gardens in preparation for some summer planting.
Layne Langley, Area Nutrition Agent provides an overview of a two-part nutrition series she conducted titled "Setting the Table for Healthy Eating".
Let's Eat for the Health of It is a curriculum for adults and is based on the latest scientific research about food and physical activity.
West Feliciana Area Nutrition Agent, Layne Langley, recently conducted an online nutrition series "Let's Eat for the Health of It". Topics included: physical a
We are excited to announce to the citizens of West Feliciana that there are two new parklettes for the people of West Feliciana.
Advisory Leadership Council members met to discuss the Family & Consumer Sciences Program in West Feliciana.
Consuming more fruits and vegetables along with whole grains, lean meats, nuts, and beans is a safe and healthy way to lose or maintain weight.
Consumers are the largest food wasters. The average American family of four throws out $1600 a year in produce.
January is the month for new beginnings and a perfect time to begin exercising or increasing your physical activity for better health.
High-protein, low-fat, high-fiber pulse grains are heavy hitters for human health & nutrition and these plants boost soil fertility, also.
They provide numerous vitamins and minerals essential for your health. Compared to a candy bar, soda, or snack grab bag, fruits and vegetables are a bargain.
The new location has more space for customers and vendors.
New fitness signs were installed along the trail at 5th Ward Park.
Youth Coaltion Meeting.
The need for opportunities for indoor physical activity (PA) during the cold & wet months of the year is important. Weather can promote or deter PA behaviors.
In this article, you will learn how many fruits you should consume daily, how much fruit is considered one cup and 1/2 cup.
What is National Take a Hike Day? Grab your walking shoes, a dry snack mix and some drinking water and go on a walk in the woods or on a trail.
Fruits and vegetables are a good source of numerous essential vitamins and minerals.
(10/12/20) Through the formation of the FOCUS Healthy Community Coalition, local partners have been working to address the needs identified by residents.
It is fall and the cooler temperatures make it is a great time to get outside and have fun with some physical activity (PA). Here are some ideas for PA.
The Smart Portions program is now available through online classes.
Adding oranges to your diet is an easy way to reach the recommended 2 cups of fruits each day. Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the world.
Eating healthy now can save you not only money but also your health. Adding fruits to your diet can reduce the risk of some chronic diseases.
Regular and longer walks not only increase your chances of living longer, but also help you get more energy, lose weight, stay healthy and positive.
(08/31/20) In January, nearly 60 residents met in Franklinton, Louisiana, to discuss the challenges and barriers to health in the community.
There are many things to consider when planning daily routines around the new school year.
Peaches are a delicious fruit packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. They are a popular summertime fruit with a peak season of June 15- July 15.
There are many nutrients in grain foods, especially whole grains, that are important for our overall health.
Riding a Bicycle is Great Exercise and can be so much fun at any age. Biking can be a powerful workout to get the heart pumping.
Eating vegetables as snacks can go a long way.
In This Issue: Smart Shopping, Food Safety, Topping Cauliflower Waffles with your favorite foods, Healthy Recipe and Virtual Online Nutrition Classes.
(06/30/20) The LSU AgCenter SNAP Education program recently worked with the City of Bogalusa to install health and walking trail signs in Bogalusa.
Looking for new blackberry recipes? Why not try this Blackberry Balsamic Chicken Wraps
Try some of these ideas for brunch as breakfast.
The amount of grain foods needed is determined by age, gender, and level of physical activity.
When you do not have enough money to cover your family’s basic living expenses and pay all your creditors, you face some difficult financial decisions.
Did you know that garlic is a staple ingredient in Mediterranean dishes?
Yoga is a great physical activity. All you need is a mat & a little time. It is inexpensive and easily done at home alone or with friends, a partner and family.
Walking is one of the most available tools for navigating our physical, emotional, and communal health.
Dining with Diabetes, Nutrition events, Lunch and Learn "Clean Eating" and more.
Healthy Communities Bike Safety Partnership: Let's Ride in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. Youth are learning biking skills to ride safely in their neighborhoods.
Childhood Obesity is a major health issue in Louisiana.
(07/02/19) The LSU AgCenter SNAP-Ed program and the Cancer Association of Greater New Orleans cancer survivorship program provide nutrition information.
Current research and other data indicate breastfeeding offers benefits to both infants and parents.
Try these easy holiday food swaps.
Gardening and Physical Activity: Quick Fact from Eva.
LSU AgCenter Agent contributed to a neighborhood, helping the residents to adopt healthy food choices and get them to be more active.
The Bogalusa Mayor’s Wellness Councils Bogalusa Strong healthy communities program wins the National Rural Health Day Community Star Award.
Eating meals together is good for all family members. The more time spent on home food preparation, the higher the nutritious quality.
Arthritis affects many Americans and leads to a great amount of pain that is caused by inflammation in the joints.
Gardening is good exercise. Make it a family affair or a community project. The results are lots of good veggies & getting some fresh air & physical activity.
Seniors in Jefferson Parish enjoy the Healthy eating series presented by Karen Marie the Salubrious RD. They have made positive dietary and exercise changes.
Fitness can be fun for youth and adults.
Try this easy family friendly fruit tie activity to impress dad this Father's Day.
Are you planning to cook a breakfast or brunch for dad on Father's Day? Try these easy fruit ties to add servings of fruit that are packed with vitamins.
Making little changes can make a big difference for your health in the long run, plus an apple nacho recipe that's super easy to make for an after school snack!
Find out how recess and physical education positively impact your child's education and about Wellness Policies that every school is required to implement.
Cardiovascular disease claims about 2,300 American lives each day. Together we can change that by creating opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
One of the important things we should think of when we hear nutrition is fruits and vegetables!
Healthy Communities work in Jefferson Parish: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & Walk & Bike to School Day along with a Video
Not sure which foods are part of the Grains Food Group and how much you should consume? Check this article out.
Suggestions for adding physical activity to a day can keep you healthy and happy.
A diet rich in fruits can benefit your health in many ways; most importantly, improve your heart health.
Great way to add a grain to your salad. Try this tasty recipe.
Healthy Alternative for King Cake.
While it is not always preventable, there have been studies that link diet as a way to prevent some cancers.
Add fruits to your meals.
Looking for ways to include whole grains in your diet? Try these tips.
Are you including grains in your daily diet? If not, continue reading to learn why it is important to eat grains.
Winter is when most citrus fruits are the sweetest and juiciest.
Physical activity is recommended for everyone. National parks can offer exercise and time experiencing nature.
We should consume foods in the dairy group.
You should make half your grains "whole" each day!
An Infographic describing the work of Karen Marie Jones/ Area Nutrition Agent in Jefferson Parish with Seniors and the Impact made on those audiences.
Why eating salads can benefit your health in many different ways
3rd Graders at Hazel Park Hilda Knoff Elementary School in Jefferson Parish participate in the Body Quest curriculum with Karen Marie the SalubriousRD
Teaches clients the skills to cut fruits and vegetables safely with the correct tool/knife and, using food safety techniques.
LSU AgCenter Nutrition Minute Video on apples.
Fun at the Farmers Market. Tags: fun, farmers market, fruits, vegetables, learn, taste
Prepare for the Worst & Hope for the Best! . Tags: hurricane preparedness, prepare, foods to stock, be prepared
Creole Tomatos. Tags: creole tomato, red, ripe, grown, farmers' markets, side of road or under bridges, supermarkets
What is the Unwanted BBQ Guest? Listeria. Tags: BBQ, parties, foodborne illness, temperature, bacteria, food
Nutrition Month Tips. Tags: muscle, protein, fat, healthy, carbs, sugar, salt
Winter Health. Tags: winter, flu, cold, hand washing, clothes, flu shot, healthy eating