Field day videos!
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Nitrogen (N) is the most yield limiting nutrient for any row crop including soybean.
Cotton in-season nitrogen (N) status can easily be tracked by different methods.
With the abnormally warm winter and spring, cotton planting in Louisiana has gotten off to an early start. In Louisiana, and across most of cotton states, thrip
As much of the state is just gearing up for harvest of corn, soybeans and grain sorghum, it is time to start preparing for the state’s wheat crop.
As the flood waters recede, many producers have questions about the best way to replenish the lost fertilizer N quickly to avoid yield losses.
The rainfall events that occurred last week have caused tremendous damage to northeast Louisiana farm land due to flooding.
Selection of the proper inhibitor is potentially the most critical aspect and can be challenging because of the numerous options available.
During the past weekend, portions of our corn-producing areas received in excess of 6-8 inches of rainfall, which has created flooding in corn fields