Louisiana has been granted a renewal of the 24(c) special local need (SLN) label for acephate use in soybeans.
The stink bug complex in Louisiana soybean includes the brown, green, southern green stink bugs, and perhaps the most notorious, the redbanded stink bug.
There have been increased reports of corn earworms infesting soybean fields across the state. Corn earworm can cause occasional but severe damage to soybean.
RBSB can cause significant reductions in soybean yields and quality, leading to weight reductions and potential elevator dockage.
Protect soybeans from redbanded stinkbugs until at least R7.
Be on the lookout for lepidopteran pests in soybean. Before any treatments, consider the insect species present, the insect number, and the percent defoliation.
Field day videos!
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LSU AgCenter soybean variety trials.
Applying harvest aids in Louisiana Soybean; desiccant; soybean stages
Nitrogen (N) is the most yield limiting nutrient for any row crop including soybean.
Manage in-season potassium deficiency in soybean plants.
Slow Louisiana soybean planting progress. Some areas have been replanted due to flooding and slug damage.
In Louisiana, soybean planting practices vary across the state, due in large part to varying environments and cropping systems.
Reports from the field indicate redbanded stink bug (RBSB) numbers are beginning to build in soybeans at the R5 development stage and beyond.
The use of harvest aids in Louisiana soybeans is a common practice, with timely applications improving seed quality and harvest efficiency while potentially ...
Taproot decline (TRD) of soybean, caused by Xylaria sp., usually is not noticed until pod fill when interveinal chlorosis and necrosis (Figure 1) become evident
Louisiana has received a renewal of the 24(c) special local needs label that increases the seasonal use rate of Acephate from 1.5 lbs Ai/Acre to 2.0 lbs Ai/Acr
Over the past week, I have received a number of phone calls pertaining to what economic threshold should be used for Threecornered Alfalfa Hoppers (TCAH) in soy
Over the next few days, producers across the state will begin to assess damages to soybeans brought upon by tropical system Harvey.
One of the most important decisions producers must make when planting soybeans in Louisiana is planting date.
Over the past two weeks, many reports of frogeye leaf spot have been coming in from all soybean growing areas in the state.
It’s the time of year where we will start to see combines rolling through wheat fields around the state.
This special local need label allows soybean producers to apply a maximum of 2lbs (ai/acre) of acephate per season.
I have been receiving quite a few phone calls regarding corn earworms (CEW) moving into soybeans
The kudzu bug has been found in Madison Parish, La., near Mound by consultant Lee Oliver.
The LSU AgCenter has revised the redbanded stink bug threshold in soybeans from 6 per 25 sweeps to 4 per 25 sweeps.
I received an unconfirmed report of kudzu bugs in soybeans in Madison Parish, Louisiana near Mound this evening.
Soybean Insecticide Formulation, Rate and Pre-harvest Interval
Lately I have been receiving more calls about soybean loopers and redbanded stink bugs in late soybeans.
PEST ALERT:The Kudzu Bug (Bean Plataspid) has been found in Vicksburg, Mississippi.
I have been receiving phone calls regarding fall armyworms moving into late planted soybeans.
Soybeans are affected by a number of insect pests from emergence to harvest in Louisiana.
Highest yielding cultivars in Group III and Early Group IV Soybean Varieties
This spring has brought us cool weather, wet/dry spells, and now potassium deficiencies. We have mainly been hearing about corn and soybean potassium...
Irrigation water with high salt concentrations will become an increasing threat to crop production in coming years.
Taproot decline (TRD) of soybean, caused by Xylaria sp., usually is not noticed until pod fill when interveinal chlorosis and necrosis become evident.
May 10, 2013 The unusually wet, cold weather Louisiana has been experiencing this spring is causing soil borne insect issues to become increasingly evident.