4-H Helpful Hints is a blog for 4-H adult volunteers and other youth development workers who are interested in information about educational program ideas, delivery methods, and trainings available.
Here are some ways to volunteer and serve your community safely on MLK Day.
Resources and strategies for volunteer managers on recruiting, onboarding, and utilizing volunteers in a virtual world.
Here are several tips from the experts to help you map out your volunteer staffing plan for summer and fall events.
Recognition is an essential component of volunteer retention. When volunteers feel appreciated they will become more engaged in your program.
Read the final report from the 2021 state-wide volunteer development needs assessment.
How to Participate in National Youth Science Day: Rockets to the Rescue. Tags: SET, rockets, national youth science day, 4-H
5 Great Ideas to Jumpstart Your 4-H Club Year. Tags: 4-H Club, activities, ideas, volunteers, 4-H
How to Celebrate National 4-H Week. Tags: National 4-H Week, 4-H, volunteers
10 Must Haves of a 4-H Volunteer. Tags: volunteer, 4-H, pinterest
What Not to Wear: 4-H U Edition. Tags: 4-H U, 4-H University,
How to Prepare Your 4-H'er for an Interview. Tags: 4-H U, 4-H University, interview
4-H Summer Camp Survival Guide for Volunteers (and Agents, too!). Tags: 4-H, member opportunities, 4-H Camp, 4-H Volunteers, volunteer opportunities
Running for a State Office. Tags: 4-H, 4-H member opportunities, state office, 4-H University
2013 Innovative Programming Award Winner Lonnie Borderlon. Tags: 4-H, volunteer, volunteer award, National Volunteer Week
2013 Excellence in Service Above and Beyond Winner Sheri Patout. Tags: 4-H, volunteer, National Volunteer Week, 4-H volunteer, volunteer award
2013 Excellence in Service Outstanding Club Work Award Winner Tammie Moore. Tags: 4-H, National Volunteer Week, volunteers, volunteer awards, 4-H clubs
2013 Rookie of the Year Excellence in Service Award Winner Lindell Valentine. Tags: 4-H, volunteer, National Volunteer Week, volunteer award
2014 Salute to Excellence Louisiana Volunteer of the Year Award Winner Tony Brady. Tags: 4-H, volunteer, National Volunteer Week, Natchitoches Parish, Salute to Excellence, volunteer award
Breakfast During Testing. Tags: 4-H, Healthy Living
The 4-H Clover. Tags: 4-H Clubs, 4-H Clover, rules
Discover the Leader in Your Youth. Tags: leadership, state boards, 4-H
Whoo's Ready for 4-H Camp?. Tags: 4-H camp, summer camp, volunteers, sleep away camp, camp counselors, overnight chaperone
100 Years of Outreach and Education. Tags: Louisiana 4-H is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Smith-Lever Act of 1914.
How to Help Our Military Heroes. Tags: service-learning, 4-H club meeting ideas