Krishna P. Paudel, Attaway, Denise, Neely, Elizabeth R., Gillespie, Jeffrey M.
The 2013 Gamma Sigma Delta Spring Awards Banquet was held Monday, April 29, in the LSU Student Union Cotillion Ballroom. Keynote speaker was Stuart Bell, executive vice chancellor and provost for Louisiana State University.
Below is a list of award recipients for 2013:
Jennifer Ellen Adair
Alexis Anne Allen
Courtney A. Aydell
Daniel C. Bourgeois
Kyle McInnis Bramley
Lauren Christine Burns
Emily Anne Clark
Ashley Michelle Cooper
Megan Nicole Donovon
Julia Rae Dowden
Cade Lance Ford
Mallory Alicia Garcia
Caroline Marie Geiger
Carly Ann Gilliland
Richard Frank Guidry
Amy Elizabeth Guillot
Luke Brendon Jackson
Jesse Jules Kliebert
Abby Louise Knight
Benjamin Mathew Kraemer
Michaela L. Lebouef
Faith Renee Myers
Jeanne Elise Michel
Lindsey Elizabeth Owens
Kelsey Nielson Phillips
Morgan Hellen Rash
Anna Eileen Ribbeck
Mollie Marie Smoak
Laruel Ann Upton
Syed Abbas Zamin
Francis C. Becker, nutrition
Justin Guice and Ryan Page
School of Human Ecology
Advisors -- Mike Keenan and Diana Coulon
Lindsay Brunet
School of Animal Sciences
Advisor -- Dennis Ingram
Francis C. Becker and Derek Miketinas
School of Human Ecology
Advisor -- Georgianna Turri
Cailey C. Vidrine
Holy Savior Menard Central High School, Alexandria
Grace M. Ragland and Anna Claire Maxwell
St. Joseph's Academy, Baton Rouge
Erica Chartier
Cristhiam Curran
Luis A. Espinoza Rodezno
Yumiko Kanke
Missy Korduner
Behannis Mena
Rajan Parajuli
Luis Alonso Alfara Sanabria
Kevin Esuardo Mis Solval
Bianca Teats
Damir Dennis Torrico
Damir Dennis Torrico
Carolyn Wong
Behannis Mena, School of Animal Sciences
Yumiko Kanke, School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences
Joshua Detre
Jeffrey Gillespie
Lynn Kennedy
Ashok Mishra
Kayanush J. Aryana
Bruce Jenny
Cathleen Williams
Richard Bengston
Bruce Jenny
Todd Monroe
Witoon Prinyawiwatkul
Subramaniam Sathivel
Jim Chambers
Niels de Hoop
William Kelso
Zhimin Xu
Subramaniam Sathivel, Dept. of Food Science and Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Janet Fox, 4-H Youth and Family Development
Steven Hall, Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Ashok Mishra, Dept. of Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness
New Officers:
Krishna Paudel, president
Steven Hall, president-elect
Danielle Bayham, secretary
Ashok Mishra, treasurer
Denise Attaway, historian
Jeffrey Gillespie, past president