March 17 -- Deadline to RSVP to Danielle Bayham for everyone who plans to attend the March 19 Spring Business Meeting of the LSU Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta.
March 19 -- Spring Business Meeting, beginning at 11:30 a.m. in the International Room of the LSU Student Union.
May 15 -- Deadline for submission of information and forms for Gamma Sigma Delta International Foundation scholarships. The Gamma Sigma Delta International Foundation will be awarding two scholarships this year. One is based on scholarship and activities. The other is a service award in recognition of John Riley's long-term service to Gamma Sigma Delta. Forms are provided below.
May 15 -- Deadline for Distinguished Achievement in Agriculture Award. This award is presented to an outstanding leader in agriculture with a emphasis on contributions in the past five years. Forms are provided below.
1/17/2014 8:46:02 PM
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