Members of the LSU Gamma Sigma Delta Chapter attended the 2014 LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station Field Day.
Members of the LSU Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta learned about growing rice in Louisiana during the 2014 LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station Field Day.
Members of the LSU Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta stopped at the Atchafalaya Welcome Center when they were returning from the LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station Field Day.
Members of the LSU Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta attended the 105th 2014 Rice Research Station Field Day at the LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station in Crowley on June 25. In spite of the threat of inclement weather, nearly 400 people turned out for the field day. The threat of rain caused the cancellation of the field tours. Speakers made their presentations indoors. Tour speakers included scientists from the Rice Station, Dean Lee Research Station, Baton Rouge campus, University of Arkansas and Mississippi State University.
Attendees heard presentations on two recently released rice varieties -- CL271 and CL-Jazzman. CL271 is a Clearfield medium-grain line with excellent yield and quality traits. The variety also has very good resistance to blast disease and straighthead disorder. CL-Jazzman is a Clearfield Jazzman line with very good yield and quality, as well as excellent aroma, cooking characteristics and blast resistance.
Field day participants also heard presentations on weed control and pest control.
7/30/2014 7:29:27 PM
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