LSU AgCenter and Southern University faculty, along with LSU College of Agriculture students received awards during the LSU Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta’s 2015 Spring Awards Luncheon.
Following the keynote address by Dr. Isiah M. Warner, vice president for strategic initiatives and Boyd professor of LSU System, as well as Philip W. West professor of analytical and environmental chemistry Howard Hughes Medical Institute professor, awards were given. Faculty receiving merit awards were:
- Kristen Stair, LSU AgCenter Department of Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation, teaching certificate of merit,
- Fatemeh Malekian, Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, research certificate of merit,
- Johnny Morgan, LSU AgCenter Department of Communications, extension certificate of merit,
- Janet Fox, LSU AgCenter Department of 4-H Youth Development, teaching outside of agriculture certificate of merit, and
- Bobby Fletcher, Louisiana Egg Commission, alumni certificate of merit.
Faculty named on the Teacher Merit Honor Roll included:
School of Animal Sciences
- Bruce F. Jenny, and
- Kayanush J. Aryana.
School of Plant, Environmental, and Soil Sciences
- David Himelrick,
- Jeff Beasley,
- Maud Walsh,
- Lewis Gaston,
- Jim Griffin,
- Charles Johnson,
- Lisa Fultz,
- Carl Motsenbocker,
- Steve Harrison,
- Beatrix Haggard, and
- Robert Mirabello.
School of Nutrition and Food Sciences
School of Renewable Natural Resources
- Quang Cao,
- Jim Chambers,
- Bill Kelso, and
- Sabrina Taylor.
Undergraduate student awards went to:
Sophomore Scholarship Award of Merit
- Faiz Alam,
- Grace Crusal Bingham,
- Emily Susanne Braun,
- Olivia Claire Derise,
- John Christian Lemoine,
- Justin Paul Martin,
- Benjamin A. Ray,
- Angelica Rubio,
- Gene A. Salem II,
- William Stevenson Tebe, and
- Hali Jeanne Triche.
Recipients of LSU College of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Poster awards were:
- Matthew Landry
- Adviser: Carol O’Neil
- Poster title: “A Comparison of Nutrient Intake/Adequacy, Diet Quality, and Obesity Prevalence in Low-Income Children (2-18 y) Based on Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: NHANES 2003-2010.”
- Jean Pitman
- Advisers: Jim Ottea and Kristin Healy
- Poster title: “Effects of Neonicotinoid insecticides on the Foraging Behavior of the Honey Bee Apis Melifera L.”
- Carly Thaxton
- Adviser: Carol Lammi-Keefe
- Poster title: “Are Pregnant Women in Louisiana Meeting the Diet Recommendations for Nutrition: A Focus on the Omega 3-Fatty Acids DHA/EPA.”
Science and Engineering Fair awards went to:
- Junior Division
- Sean M. Kelly
- “Does Plant Transpiration Occur at Night?”
- Senior Division
- Kaylan Campbell
- “Who’s Going to Crack Under Pressure”
Graduate Student awards were given to:
- Graduate Student Merit Honor Roll
- Lina Bernaola Alvarado, a student in entomology,
- Songjie He, a student in renewable natural resources,
- Luis Alfaro Sanabria, a student in food science/biological and agricultural engineering,
- Zhen Xu, a student in renewable natural resources, and
- John Young, a student in the School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences.
Pranjali Muley, a student in the Department of Biological and Agricultural
Engineering, was named Outstanding Ph.D. Student.
Also during the luncheon, officers for the LSU Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta were installed. Officers for the 2015-2016 year are:
- Janet Fox, president,
- Johnny Morgan, president-elect,
- Danielle Bayham, secretary,
- John Westra, treasurer,
- Denise Attaway, historian, and
- Steven Hall, past president.
Images from the 2015 Gamma Sigma Delta Awards Luncheon.