Board of Directors and Officers Terms and Duties

Chi Epsilon Sigma

The officers of Chi Epsilon Sigma consist of president, president-elect, secretary, treasurer and immediate past-president. Each officer will serve a one-year term with the exception of treasurer, who will serve a two-year term. Officers may run for two consecutive terms. No members shall hold more than one office at a time. Officers and directors will be installed at the annual meeting. Terms of office shall begin immediately after installation.

CES regional directors will serve a two-year term with representation consisting of the following:

  • One director from each of the five regions of the LSU AgCenter. (Northwest, Northeast, Central, Southwest, Southeast).
  • Two at-large directors will be elected at the same time as the five regional directors
  • Two non-region directors will be elected in alternating years from departments, state office and administrative personnel.
12/11/2017 4:57:57 PM
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