Photos from the LCAAA AM/PIC in Gonzales, Louisiana and the NACAA AM/PIC held in Des Moines, Iowa.
Click to view the abstracts submitted as part of the annual poster competition.
A brief overview of the organization
Photos from the 2022 National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference held in Palm Beach, Florida.
Photos from the 2021 LCAAA AM/PIC Awards Banquet. This awards banquet included both 2020 and 2021 award winners.
Photos from the LCAAA AM/PIC in New Iberia, LA and the NACAA AM/PIC in Fort Wayne, IN.
Click to view the abstracts submitted as part of the annual poster competition.
Every year Chi Epsilon Sigma gives out the Award of Excellence to one deserving member of the organization that meets certain criteria based on the nomination. This year's winner is Patricia Bollich, Scientific Research Technologist in Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology Department.
Listed are the criteria for the Chi Epsilon Sigma Award of Excellence along with a complete list of previous and current winners of the Chi Epsilon Sigma Award of Excellence since its inception in 2006. Also available is the current award nomination form.
Procedure for selecting Distinguished Service Award Recipients. Also incudes a link to a list of past winners.
Pictures taken at the awards banquet.
Pictures taken at the awards banquet.
This is Policy Statement 44 (PS-44) which explains reimbursement of professional dues.
A person who has performed satisfactory service as an LSU AgCenter support staff employee shall be eligible for membership without regard to race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.
The officers of Chi Epsilon Sigma consist of president, president-elect, secretary, treasurer, and immediate past president. There are nine directors that sit on the board.
Membership into Chi Epsilon Sigma - Epsilon Chapter is open to LSU AgCenter support staff. The membership year begins on January 1 of each year. Any current member may be contacted for more information.
Procedure for selecting Achievement Award Recipients. Also includes a listing of past award winners.
The attached PDF lists the officers and directors for the 2017-2018 year.
See complete membership list.
This handbook is intended to serve as a guide. As members of LCAAA, it is our duty to promote high standards of service to the people of Louisiana.
See PDF for complete list.
Louisiana Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences HANDBOOK
Fall 2016 Newsletter for Louisiana Association for Family and Consumer Sciences
Multi-year handbook for recording minutes and financial records for individual clubs. Topics include: event schedules, club projects list, membership list, attendance list, secretary and minutes guidelines, and monthly financial statements.
The document contains a brief summary of some of the information included in minutes of meetings of committees, the Boards of Directors, and Member meetings.
Information about the 2015 fall business meeting to be held on Oct. 7.
This issue contains highlights from this year's state convention, introduces you to our new president plus lots of other information.
Images of winners recognized during the 2015 Gamma Sigma Delta Awards Luncheon.
Lists award winners.
The Louisiana Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program is hosting the Sustainable Agriculture Farm Tour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, April 19.
Deadline extended for Spring 2015 Teacher Merit Honor Roll Award.
Award given by the LSU chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta to recognizesthe contributions of Gamma Sigma Delta member faculty, staff, and alumni for excellence in agriculture.
Spring edition with information on state convention.
Quarterly newsletter for LVFC members.
Newsletter from the Gamma Sigma Delta International Office. Information about LSU Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta winning the 2013-2014 Outstanding Chapter Award begins on Page 5.
A total of 23 people were initiated in to the LSU Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta during the Fall 2014 Initiation held Nov. 12.
The 2014 Gamma Sigma Delta initiation reception will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 12, at Nelson Memorial Building.
Agenda and information about the 2014 LSU Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta.
Awards at a Glance
Read about what's been going on with our clubs and members.
Members of the LSU chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta attended the 2014 Rice Field Day in Crowley, La.
In this issue of Louisiana Bayou: a review of this year's state convention, winners of the feature articles contest and more.
List of winners who received awards during the 2014 Spring Awards Luncheon.
Members of the LSU chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta attend the 2014 Wheat and Oat Field Day at the Macon Ridge Research Station in Winnsboro.
Images of field trip LSU Gamma Sigma Delta members took to Sanderson Farms.
Winners of the Gamma Sigma Delta awards given at the 2014 Science and Engineering Fair.
Information about the 2014 Awards Luncheon.
LSU Gamma Sigma Delta officers for 2015-2016.
Winners of the 2014 Tiger Award from the LSU Chaper of Gamma Sigma Delta.
Quarterly newsletter that also contains LVFC state convention registration information.
List of people running for offices in the LSU Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta.
List of LSU Gamma Sigma Delta members.
May 15, 2014 is the deadline for nominations for the 2014 GSD International Distinguished Achievement in Agriculture Award.
Information about various scholarship awards from the Gamma Sigma Delta International Foundation.
Information about 2013-2014 awards and certificates of merit for LSU chapter.
Dates for Gamma Sigma Delta activities scheduled for spring 2014.
In this issue of Louisiana Bayou Winter 2013: LVFC Winter Executive Board meeting, State and Area scholarships, Mini Grants, Family Life News, Holiday Tips, St. Martin VFC News, and the LVFC Calendar.
Images from the 2013 LSU Gamma Sigma Delta Fall Initiation Ceremony.
Images from the 2013 LSU Gamma Sigma Delta Fall Initiation Ceremony.
Names and links to contact information for 2012-2013 officers of LSU Gamma Sigma Delta are available here.
2012 Award of Excellence Winner Announced Every year Chi Epsilon Sigma gives out the Award of Excellence to one deserving member of the organization that meets certain criteria based on the nomination. This year’s winner was Vonnie Jordan, Administrative Coordinator, Ouachita Parish Extension Service.
The Agriculture Residential College hosted the Undergraduate Research Poster Competition, sponsored by Gamma Sigma Delta, at its Open House during Spring Invitational. Winners are listed here.
Images from the 2013 Gamma Sigma Delta Spring Awards Banquet.
The 2013 Gamma Sigma Delta Spring Awards Banquet was held Wednesday, April 29, in the LSU Student Union Cotillion Ballroom. Keynote speaker was Stuart Bell, executive vice chancellor and provost of Louisiana State University..
Dates for Gamma Sigma Delta activities scheduled for Spring 2013.
Catch up on goings on around the state and register for the 2013 convention.
Names and links to contact information for 2012-2013 officers of LSU Gamma Sigma Delta are available here.
Read about member activities across the state along with helpful tips for the winter season.
Brad Leger, retired LSU AgCenter employee, talks during the Gamma Sigma Delta Fall Meeting Thursday (10.4.2012) about a project he is currently working on in Liberia. The project is a collaboration between the LSU Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society and the Nimba County Community College in Liberia. (Photo by Denise Attaway)
Read all about convention and upcoming events? Topics include: Scholarships and mini grants, Awards and memorial Luncheon, Spirit of LLL, 2012 Heart of LVFC, and more.
Winners of Faculty Awards at the 2012 Gamma Sigma Delta Spring Banquet.
Lists all winners of awards distributed during the 2012 Spring Awards Banquet of the Gamma Sigma Delta - LSU Chapter.
Gamma Sigma Delta award winners from the 2012 Science and Engineering Fair Senior Divison.