Manager Toolkit banner.

As a hiring manager, you champion the LSU AgCenter’s vision, mission, and values to all our new employees. To ensure success in your role the toolkit below shares templates and resources to support you throughout the hiring and onboarding process. To streamline the process the Roles and Content Actions highlight the responsible party for each part of the onboarding process.

Hiring Manager Briefing

To ensure success in your role as the Employee’s Supervisor, hiring managers will attend a brief monthly meeting to prepare for the start of their new employee. The Monthly Hiring Manager Briefing will review the onboarding process, including steps before making an offer, after an offer has been made and accepted, HRM required paperwork, and a road map of your employee's first 30 days.

The Hiring Manager Briefing will be held via teams on the third Tuesday of each month at 9 AM.

2024 Hiring Manager Briefing

Employee Pre-Start

After you have been notified that a position has been approved and advertisement has begun, you will need to review the following checklist. This link will guide you through the advertisement, selection, and employment process. Reminder, a job offer cannot be made until after the required advertisement period is passed and each step listed herein is completed.

If a hiring manager would like to consider applicants who plan to work remotely from outside of Louisiana, this is important to note in the position request. The campuses of Louisiana State University (LSU) system partner with nextSource Workforce Solutions for Employer of Record services for employees who telecommute from outside of Louisiana. See more information in "PVA" Section below.

The LSU AgCenter HRM office will advertise in the following locations:

  • HRM Announcements weekly email to LSU AgCenter Units

If the hiring manager wants to advertise in newspapers, journals or on other websites, the ad may be abbreviated; however, do not change the minimum qualification requirements, overall job description, or application deadline. You must include the statement: “Equal Opportunity Employer” or at a minimum “EOE” in the ad.

See Step 1 of the Supervisor's Employment Packet for the most up to date PVA's.

The proper PVA Formats can be found at: Advertising Guidelines ( positions including:

  • Assistant / Associate Professor
  • Research Associate or Postdoc
  • Assistant / Associate Extension Agent 4-H
  • Assistant / Associate Extension Agent ANR or NCH

If the hiring manager wants to advertise in newspapers, journals, or on other websites, the ad may be abbreviated however, do not change the actual minimum qualification requirements, overall job description, or application deadline. You must include the statement: “Equal Opportunity Employer” or at a minimum “EOE” in the ad.

This training is required for faculty and staff members who are currently or will be serving on an AgCenter search committee for faculty, department head, and executive-level positions. Both committee chairs and members are required to complete the training. Any questions regarding search committee training can be directed to or

Selecting the best possible employees is one of the most important of all supervisory duties. The guidelines below have been developed as a resource for search committee chairs and members. Interviews should be conducted in accordance with standard AgCenter procedures described in the documents provided.

All AgCenter Resources can be found in the Supervisor's Employment Packet Step 2: Interview Process

Follow Steps 3 - 10 on the Supervisor's Employment Packet including:

  • Complete Background Check
  • Completion of Employment Eligibility Form
  • Making an Offer
  • Employee Offer Letter Templates
  • Required Paperwork

To set a welcoming tone and so the new hire has all the appropriate information to start off with success. Utilize the templates below to send to the new hire and your department.

  • Email to new hire prior to their arrival template
  • Email to announce new hire’s arrival template

Your new hire has accepted.

Your new hire has accepted the position. It is important the HRM team has an appropriate amount of time to process all required paperwork. To ensure a smooth transition when establishing an effective date, allow at least two weeks for approval/processing.

Congratulations, your new hire has started! To ensure the employees’ first week is well organized and smooth you may use the templates and processes below.

HRM will update Workday after offer is made and accepted based on information marked on the Position Advertisement & Selection Record. Email notices will automatically be sent letting the other applicants know the process is complete and another has been offered the position.

All required paperwork needed by hiring managers can be found on the Supervisor's Employment Packet: Step 9

The new employee and their hiring manager received an onboarding email from our HRM office before or on their first day. Required forms include:

  • Direct Deposit Form
  • Annual Leave Accrual Election Form
  • Unit Checklist
  • Supplemental Employment Form
  • 1-9 Documents.

Their first day on the job must be well planned, set an accepting, inclusive tone, and start to establish relationships that will benefit their success.

All New Employees should familiarize themselves with AGxCEL, the LSU AgCenter's New Employee Onboarding.

AGxCEL New Employee Onboarding

30, 60, 90 Day Check-in’s

Use the plan below for your new hire’s first month on the job. It is also important to check for any additional unit or local requirements.

In the first 30 days, establish the foundation for your new hire’s journey. Ensure they have registered for and completed:

Classified Employees

You will receive an e-mail notification from the HRM department when a Classified Planning document has been created for a new employee. You may access the system at the following link: .

Per Civil Service rule 10.5(f), planning sessions shall be conducted during the first three (3) calendar months following the appointment of a new employee.

Any evaluating supervisor who fails to administer the performance evaluation system in accordance with Civil Service rules shall not be eligible for a performance adjustment for that year.

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
