Roles and Responsibilities for Maintaining Civil Rights/Affirmative Action Compliance in Extension Education/Research Programs and Employment
All Ag Center employees have responsibility for performing in a manner that is consistent with the AgCenter’s commitment to equal opportunity in programs and employment. This means that we do not exhibit behavior, make decisions or take actions that directly or indirectly have the effect of discriminating on the basis of race, creed, color, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, sex, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, or veteran’s status. It also means that we seek ways to incorporate and advance the principles of equal opportunity in the AgCenter’s programs and employment activities.
While certain personnel have specific responsibility for providing oversight in this area, all employees have the opportunity to participate in the development and implementation of activities and operating procedures that facilitate the objectives of equal opportunity and affirmative action. This can range from informal activities, such as the way we greet clientele and assist 4-H members with their needs, to formal activities, such as serving on search committees, participating in related training and ensuring wide publication of our employment opportunities and services. Immediate supervisors have additional responsibilities for ensuring that their supervisory practices are nondiscriminatory and that the activities of personnel under their supervision are consistent with the Ag Center’s commitment to equal opportunity.
Besides the general responsibilities all employees have in this area, the following personnel have line and staff responsibilities to ensure that LSU AgCenter is in full compliance with Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Vice President for Agriculture, Associate Vice Presidents (Program Leaders and AVC for Administration), Director of HRM – all have responsibilities in the areas outlined below, either directly or through support of the task.
- Directs overall system-wide policy (extension and research) and makes decisions relative to civil rights compliance and implementation in program and employment. Informs faculty and staff about civil rights and affirmative action requirements. Solicits and maintains nondiscrimination documents from statewide organizations and associations. Maintains policy guidelines, reviews audit summaries and submits and maintains required reports.
- Reviews findings and recommendations regarding civil rights reviews and responds as appropriate.
- Provides day-to-day leadership for assuring that civil rights policies and procedures are communicated to and implemented. .
- Oversees the distribution of “And Justice for All” posters and other pertinent affirmative action and civil rights information.
- Ensures full participation by all designated employees with formal recruitment outreach program and other related activities.
- Ensures that extension and research programs are being carried out in accordance with CSREES recommendations. Assists in federal reporting efforts.
- In consultation with the HRM Office, addresses complaints regarding Civil Rights in programs.
- Responsible for assuring that the state level program planning, evaluation and reporting provide equal access and opportunities for participation in LSU AgCenter’s programs by diverse audiences.This will ensure civil rights are incorporated into the program development process.
- Develop strategies and affirmative steps for assuring open access to programs and services, addressing clientele diversity and serving the needs of underrepresented groups.
Regional Directors/Department Unit Heads
- Responsible for administrative and programmatic responsibilities relative to civil rights compliance within an assigned geographic region of the state or a department.
- Assist the LSU AgCenter Leadership Team in developing guidelines and procedures for assuring that minorities and underrepresented groups have access to and can participate in programs and services.
- Ensure equal opportunity in the hiring of extension specialists/agents, researchers/scientists and staff employees.
- Review individual parish materials for Civil Rights aspects and make recommendations where necessary.
- Conduct recruiting in a manner that seeks to address underrepresentation.
- Analyze and monitor participation data for the advancement of the objectives of equal opportunity and affirmative action.
- Develop strategies and affirmative steps for assuring open access to programs and services, addressing clientele diversity and serving the needs of underrepresented groups.
- Provide oversight to ensure that academic programs support program delivery that addresses clientele diversity and serves the needs of underrepresented groups.
Parish Chairs/Resident Coordinator
- Responsible for administrative and programmatic responsibilities relative to civil rights compliance in a particular parish or multi-parish unit or at a research station. Services will reflect the diverse population of the parish(s).
- Provide leadership to periodically conduct self-assessments on progress regarding Civil Rights objectives.This includes reviewing staff plans to assure goals are appropriately addressed.
- Ensure that all parish groups being served, Parish Advisory Boards, program committees and 4-H clubs have signed statements of non-discrimination on file.
- Include equal opportunity/affirmative action efforts when reviewing staff activities for performance evaluation purposes.
- Monitor information/materials being developed and disseminated to ensure that appropriate civil rights and affirmative action statements are being used by all extension educators in a parish or multi-parish unit or by researchers on a research station.
- Develop strategies and affirmative steps for assuring open access to programs and services, addressing clientele diversity and serving the needs of underrepresented groups.
Note: While the Regional Directors will ultimately hold Parish Chairs/Resident Coordinators accountable for all of the above mentioned tasks, other employees also may be assigned these tasks.
Faculty, County & Extension Agents, Research Associates and Paraprofessionals
- Develop programs, carry out support and delivery responsibilities relative to civil rights compliance within a department, program area, research station, parish, multi-parish office/or regional office (reaching diverse clientele in community of assignment).
- Use appropriate civil rights and affirmative action statements on materials.
- Monitor the extent to which programs and committees address clientele diversity and serve the needs of underrepresented groups.
- Develop strategies and affirmative steps for assuring open access to programs and services, addressing clientele diversity and serving the needs of underrepresented groups.
Director of Human Resources
- In addition to items referenced earlier, responsible for ensuring equal opportunity for employment. Adheres to all federal, state and university EEO laws, policies and procedures.
- Directs service unit which provides support to regional and academic units on civil rights matters relative to employment, affirmative action, staff training and development, grievance compliance processing and resolution (including lawsuits when applicable).
- Leads policy preparation, generation of statistics and development of EEO/Affirmative Action plan updates.
- Delivers civil rights and affirmative action information to new hires during the formal orientation program.
- Assists leadership team with development and implementation of Civil Rights training for all employees.
- Provides leadership for the process of addressing complaints of employment discrimination filed by individuals with various state and federal agencies.
- Develops and implements complaint process for program complaints and employment.
- Conducts regular analysis of workforce statistics.
- Provides leadership for the design and development of parish and statewide Civil Rights training and educational programs for faculty and staff.
- Incorporates the topic of diversity in trainings where possible.
- Provides leadership for training faculty and staff on outreach and recruitment of diverse clientele.
- Distributes “And Justice for All” posters and other pertinent affirmative action and civil rights information.
LSU AgCenter - 2019