Retirement Plan Options Chart
Participation in a retirement program is required of all employees with few exceptions. Click here to view the chart which outlines the eligibility requirements for each system. If an employee is eligible for more than one system, only one system can be elected.
Retirement Eligibility Chart
Use the chart linked above to determine your eligibility for retirement.
Related: Health Insurance in Retirement
Retirement Plans
Louisiana State Employee's Retirement System (LASERS) - A "defined benefit" plan from which members receive a retirement income based on a benefit formula. Generally available to regular Classified/Civil Service employees. See the Retirement Plan Options Chart for a broader explanation of the eligibility requirements.
Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL) - A "defined benefit" plan from which members receive a retirement income based on a benefit formula. Generally available to regular Academic and Non-Classified employees. See the Retirement Plan Options Chart for a broader explanation of the eligibility requirements.
Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) - A "defined contribution" plan from which members receive a retirement income based on contributions and investment earnings from the carrier elected by the employee. The three approved carriers are VALIC, VOYA and TIAA-CREF. Generally available to Academic and Non-Classified employees. See the Retirement Plan Options Chart for a broader explanation of the eligibility requirements.
Federal Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) - A federal government retirement program from which members receive a retirement income based on a benefit formula. No new enrollments available. Current member participation only.
Louisiana Deferred Compensation Plan (LDCP) - A tax-deferred compensation plan to which employee and employer contributions go directly to the LDCP to be invested in a retirement annuity contract in the employee's name. Generally available to temporary and regular part-time Academic, Non-Classified and Classified employees. See the Retirement Plan Options Chart for a broader explanation of the eligibility requirements.
Social Security (SS) - Participation in Social Security is generally required of temporary Classified employees and is one option available for temporary Academic and Non-Classified employees. It is mandatory for transient employees, as well as for student employees and graduate assistants who are not enrolled on a campus of the LSU System. See the Retirement Plan Options Chart for a broader explanation of the eligibility requirements.
Other Retirement Related Information