Adding a Child – Click here for PDF instructions. You will find procedures for enrolling a newborn or adopted child or a child placed for adoption with you.
Benefits Guide - The LSU Agricultural Center offers a wide range of benefits to its employees. This brochure includes a general explanation of the major benefits.
Employee Assistance Program - This program provides employees and/or their immediate family members with easy access to confidential assistance for personal and work-related problems which can affect their lives.
Employee Perks - These are discounts available - from cell phone service to pest control - JUST because you work here.
Holiday Schedule (See PS5) - This link provides a listing of Policy Statements. Scheduled holidays are among them (PS5). They are established for the AgCenter. Holidays are set by the LSU System in accordance with Act 139 of the 1991 Legislative Session, which authorizes fourteen (14) paid holidays per year.
Moving/Relocation Services - Whether you are a new employee of the AgCenter or an existing employee, you may have a need to relocate. Go to this section for additional information.
Tax Saver Flexible Benefits Plan – This plan provides eligible employees the choice of participating in one or more of the options.
Tuition Exemption Program - Under certain conditions, employees may register for a job-related course each semester (up to six college credit hours per regular semester) and receive tuition and fee exemptions. This section provides guidelines and qualification requirements for eligibility.