Carl Motsenbocker, Cummins, Denyse B., Frank, Isabella
P3941A_Planting_Chart_Publication_AG824pdf / 0.51MB
Publication ID: 3941A
The LSU AgCenter’s Sustainable Gardening publication series provides complete information on growing vegetables, fruits, herbs and cut flowers, using practices that work with the environment to achieve high yields of healthy produce. Accurate planting dates and expected harvest seasons are important parts of those sustainable practices.
The When to Plant planting chart provides the proper planting dates to achieve success in both north and south Louisiana.Planting dates are determined by geographical location and position on the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map.Zones are determined by historical temperature data in each zone, updated on a regular basis. Using proper planting dates helps the gardener to avoid crop loss due to freezing temperatures and excessive heat. Growing the right crop in the right season is a key principle for growing a sustainable school or home vegetable garden.
The When to Plant planting chart is a companion piece to the What’s in Season seasonality chart. Together, the wall charts provide important information for when to plant and when to expect to harvest fresh, well-grown Louisiana produce.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture